View Full Version : Climate change

20-12-15, 20:46
It being 16 degrees in December has set me off a bit today. Worst of all is this is a real issue.

Any advice?

20-12-15, 21:32

It just happens to be a mild December and I love it. Beats freezing our t***s off and shovelling snow off of the drive. I remember 2009 was freezing in December though. December 1963 was freezing as well does that means that climate change was occurring 52 years ago? No, it's just the weather and in Britain the weather is never simply the weather, it's unpredictable and erratic.

20-12-15, 21:46
Sure but it's not like climate change isn't happening. 2014 hottest year on record, 2015 hotter still!

I guess I need help in knowing how to deal with things which really are problems but which I have no control over.

20-12-15, 21:57
By the time the world changes as drastically as some are predicting due to climate change or whatever the reasons, we all will have been dust for centuries.

Positive thoughts

20-12-15, 23:13
Worries like this are futile worries. There is nothing we can do about this bar our own little environmentally friendly actions, so I cannot see any point in getting anxious about it, though I know anxiety just does as it will, but the question we need to ask is 'where will worrying about this get me? Can I change anything?'....the answer is no!

Frankly, I don't worry about this weird weather, I just DISLIKE IT intensely.

I would rather be freezing cold and have snow, as that is the seasonal norm, and when all we have in the UK is one season drifting into the next with the same tedious, wet, mild, windy rubbish weather, it makes for a depressing, boring and LOOOOOONG year. :mad:

20-12-15, 23:50
I can rationalise it. I just can't stop the feels!

21-12-15, 12:57
I agree with Debs71, winter should be winter, with cold temperatures and Snowy conditions.
But we all moan about the British weather, moan if it's too hot, cold or rainy.

Then we're told this will affect crops, so this will force the price of spuds up or bread cos the wheat crop failed cos of a wet few weeks in the summer!!!!

I'm in my late 50's and as a child the weather was just as bad, Summers a wash out and that was before the term 'Climate Change' was even thought of!!!

I think it must be the only subject we can't complain to someone about or sign a petition for!!!!!!!!