View Full Version : Anal Pain? Confused, not worried yet

21-12-15, 07:15
Well its been alittle while. Kinda.

So for the past two months I've been feeling this odd pain in my rectum. Among all of my anxiety I brushed this one off for awhile. As you know, I'm a 22 year old male. It started when I was driving, and over every speed bump it would hurt. Not hurt but make enough of a sharp pinch for me to notice. It disappeared at a point for two weeks. Then after sitting on a hard surface I began to feel the pain again.

Now if I lean on my left hip I can feel the pain/pinch again. Now I've already thought of "colon cancer" and "anal cancer". I've also hear about people having issues because of " HPV" but I've had my gardisil shot series. I'm only having pinching, and sensitivity. No blood, no extreem gas or at least not anymore than what I normally have had in my life. I'm also beginning to feel this sharp attaching sensation when I lay down on my side. It's worse when I lay on my right side. Opposite of the pain in my rectum.

I'm not looking for much of a reassurance more than information. I've done my best to avoid Dr.Google. whom evey one knows to tell you something horrid and may be very well wrong. I've also avoided most of the anxiety zone and no more panic search engine. So I'm here and calm..kinda. Looking for info.

I'm trying to hang in until my GI appointment on Tuesday. Which is like agony! I think because my appointment is late in the day.

21-12-15, 07:20

21-12-15, 07:21

I'm not sure what that would be

21-12-15, 12:25
Probably "roids" or a "Porch Cramp" perhaps? (look it up on Urban Dictionary). Totally harmless, just a PITA...it's a thought ;)

Positive thoughts