View Full Version : fed up with this..

21-02-07, 08:16
Morning everyone. I just need to write about how I am feeling today. I was awake at 3.00am and immediately started with the panics and sweating. This has been happening for about 2 weeks and I am so worried about it. In the past I was hospitalised many times for anxiety/depression and although I am still coping with work etc, I dread slipping further into this general anxiety state. My GP is very good and he does listen but what can he do? I have had counselling and medication but don't really want to take prescription meds again. I should say that it seems to just be for about 4 hours in the morning that it is so bad-the rest of the day I am ok (ish!). I don't think I am going crazy but at 3.00 it seems that I am! I guess I just need some support and any advice from anyone would be great. Thanks and best wishes, Maz xx

21-02-07, 09:34
i no how u feel my mornings are worse aye but at least u keep going to work yr better than me i have agraphobia as well as the rest so dont ever give up going out as its hard to get out the habbit once you ave got it i to was awake around three its very lonly when yr sufferin with anxiety and no one around but hang in there it will get better even its only by u knowing why yr awake and u no it will pass hope ths helps by for now trish

21-02-07, 09:47
thanks Trishxx

22-02-07, 14:01
Hi Maz,

So sorry your feeling bad mate. How are you today hun?

I often find my anxietys worse in the morning to.

Have you tried the Bach Flower remedies at all? When I awake with panic I always have it buy my bedside and take some.

Hope your feeling brighter today.

Take Care;)

Love & Hugs Pip's X X X X:hugs:

22-02-07, 15:26
hello, one of my worst attacks was on my own in the middle of the night, it was very very lonely and scary.. have you tried or thought about listening to a visualisation or meditation tape/cd before going to sleep. you're probably going to sleep expecting to wake up, so you do. maybe if you were relaxed when going to sleep it would reduce your general level of anxiety.. just a thought.. i've been looking on wbsites where people have overcome panic disorders and a lot of people say meditation or visualisation works a treat.. hop you sleep better tonight x x

22-02-07, 15:37
Hi guys-thanks for the support-it's good to hear from you. I find it hard to meditate honeybee, but I am going to try again-it would be a helpful tool if I could make it work. I spoke to my GP yesterday and he's given me some diazepam just for a short time but I'm scared to take them! Funnily enough, I slept better last night as if just having the pills on standby soothed me even if they stayed in the medicine cabinet. What a wierd person I am LOL. Pips-thanks for your email-great to hear from you!! Love to all, Maz xxx

22-02-07, 15:41
stange how powerful the mind is isn't it.. if i haven't got my phone on me i'll instantly 'freak out'.. if i have got it on me then i feel 'safe'... just like your pills.. try a visualisation tape/cd instead, its a little less intense than meditation.

22-02-07, 21:53
Hey Mazzy

I , along with many others here, do know what you are going through. The morning immediately after waking is an incredibly hard time as is night time. I used herbal medication , Valerian to try and sleep a little longer. I did, and the panic attacks have eased off though the underlying issues are still there. I am managing to get 4-5 hours continous sleep and usually drift off for another hour after waking. Compared to the 1 or 2 hours a few weeks ago I am trying to convince myself that things ARE getting better. My cousin is a doctor and suggested a small dose of Diazepam and on one evening I took a small dose and haven't since.
I think your reaction to diazepam was so similar to mine, I know its there so one cause of the panic has eased. In fact when my GP prescribed anti-dep meds I came home researched it on the web and was shocked by the potential side effects I didn;t touch it. Perhaps that was a similar reaction.

I posted earlier regarding hypnotherapy, and I decided to see one just to see if it is for me. The key thing is the ability to learn to relax, anything that happens after that is luck (hoep my hypnotherapist isn;t reading this !). I have only had two sessions so far and have started to learn the technique of relaxation but little else .. so far.

Stay strong

23-02-07, 07:08

Hang in there girl....we all here for ya n we all understand its crap..but chin up hun..


23-02-07, 09:40
You are all brilliant!!! Thank you for your support and advice. I feel much better today and even managed to get back to sleep after waking at 3.30 (one of our cats had a mouse and was making a lot of noise!!) and am going to drive out to see a friend this morning (scary roads but I can do it!) Re: diazepam- I just can't bring myself to take the tablets. To me it's a step backwards. I will be strong and overcome this bad-patch without meds. This website is great-I am making lots of new friends and best of all, I know everyone understands anxiety. Love to you all, Maz xxx

23-02-07, 12:02

Make sure you eat once you are up and about as well. Get the blood sugar levels even and will stand you in good stead for the day. Bananas are excellent in the morning !