View Full Version : Anxious Times!

21-12-15, 09:30
Hello all my NMP friends!

I don't often post about myself on the forums but I'm having a bit of a rough time at the minute and thought I would post and show some solidarity with everyone who is finding things hard at the moment.

I've had a really busy year moving to the other side of the country, starting a new job and getting to know a lot of new people. It's all gone pretty smoothly but I think it's now starting to catch up with me and, to be honest, I'm completely exhausted. That's on top of December/January always being difficult months for me anyway. I've never worked out why but I always struggle at this time of year.

I've got the usual symptoms of anxiety, in particular feeling of impending doom, knotted stomach feeling, fuzzy head, hot and cold alternatively, tingling hands, the shakes with jelly legs, to name a few. I already take venlafaxine but I've started back on propranolol to try and help the physical symptoms. I'll see how that goes.

My problem is always that I start to question whether it is in fact anxiety causing these symptoms or if it's something else. When I'm feeling ok, I can see the clear link. However, when I'm anxious, my mind plays tricks on me which makes me feel even worse. Can anyone relate to that?

Anyway, I've taken my own advice and dragged myself into work as sitting around at home is guaranteed to make me feel even worse. At least I have a distraction and people around me.

It would be good to hear from anyone in a similar situation or if you have any tips for me. I'm usually pretty good at controlling my anxiety but there are always times where it pops up and bites me despite my best efforts.

Best wishes to all

Pip x

21-12-15, 10:39
Is it HA?

21-12-15, 10:56
Is it HA?

No, it's general anxiety.


21-12-15, 12:21
Hi Pip

Nice to meet you, sorry to hear you're struggling. I can relate to December/January being tough, I always think things are worse when it's cold and dark!

I was intrigued by what you said about worrying whether it's anxiety or something else - could you elaborate? For example, when I get very anxious, I tend to think it's because of my relationship/job/where we live/my friends, and 'pin' the anxiety on that - when mostly there is nothing wrong at all! Does that sound similar to what you experience?

I hope you're having a better day - think it sounds like a good idea to get some distraction if you can...

Best wishes


21-12-15, 12:42
Hi Pip

Sorry you are having a rough time.

I can identify with the impending doom and jelly legs. Also shaking on the inside. I think you have had a lot to cope with, as moving house and jobs is very stressful, even for none anxiety sufferers.

I think you are very brave going into work feeling so anxious. I know it can be a distraction, but you need to be careful not to push yourself too hard.

Don't really have any answers, but just wanted to show my support, and say I understand .

21-12-15, 12:47
Hello all my NMP friends!

I don't often post about myself on the forums but I'm having a bit of a rough time at the minute and thought I would post and show some solidarity with everyone who is finding things hard at the moment.

I've had a really busy year moving to the other side of the country, starting a new job and getting to know a lot of new people. It's all gone pretty smoothly but I think it's now starting to catch up with me and, to be honest, I'm completely exhausted. That's on top of December/January always being difficult months for me anyway. I've never worked out why but I always struggle at this time of year.

I've got the usual symptoms of anxiety, in particular feeling of impending doom, knotted stomach feeling, fuzzy head, hot and cold alternatively, tingling hands, the shakes with jelly legs, to name a few. I already take venlafaxine but I've started back on propranolol to try and help the physical symptoms. I'll see how that goes.

My problem is always that I start to question whether it is in fact anxiety causing these symptoms or if it's something else. When I'm feeling ok, I can see the clear link. However, when I'm anxious, my mind plays tricks on me which makes me feel even worse. Can anyone relate to that?

Anyway, I've taken my own advice and dragged myself into work as sitting around at home is guaranteed to make me feel even worse. At least I have a distraction and people around me.

It would be good to hear from anyone in a similar situation or if you have any tips for me. I'm usually pretty good at controlling my anxiety but there are always times where it pops up and bites me despite my best efforts.

Best wishes to all

Pip x

Sounds like a similar year to me. Did you anticipate burnout?

I basically told friends, colleagues, family and my partner that I was close to burnout. I'd had enough.

Yet I ploughed through life, and guess what, it was too much and I felt ill with anxiety for a good 3-4 months. I am almost on the other side of it all, but not totally recovered.

I've felt all of those sensations and I've also attributed them to worse conditions. I do still have an element of health anxiety....

Keep your chin up. Working is a good distraction if you can.

21-12-15, 13:15
Hi all and thank you for your kind replies :D. It always helps me to know that there are others out there feeling the same as I do. Not, of course, that I would wish this hideous condition on anybody.

Hi Pip

Nice to meet you, sorry to hear you're struggling. I can relate to December/January being tough, I always think things are worse when it's cold and dark!

I was intrigued by what you said about worrying whether it's anxiety or something else - could you elaborate? For example, when I get very anxious, I tend to think it's because of my relationship/job/where we live/my friends, and 'pin' the anxiety on that - when mostly there is nothing wrong at all! Does that sound similar to what you experience?

I hope you're having a better day - think it sounds like a good idea to get some distraction if you can...

Best wishes


Beatroon - thanks, I am feeling a little better which comes with keeping busy. I also reread some of the articles on here which usually help me to put things into perspective, especially the symptoms article.

To answer your question, there are two things which always spin through my head. The first is that it's a physical illness and not symptoms of anxiety. The second is that it's anxiety but with a cause which I haven't realised, similar to the examples you gave. When I'm feeling better, I always caution others (and myself) form dwelling on things like this but it's very difficult when your mind starts playing tricks on you.

Hi Pip

Sorry you are having a rough time.

I can identify with the impending doom and jelly legs. Also shaking on the inside. I think you have had a lot to cope with, as moving house and jobs is very stressful, even for none anxiety sufferers.

I think you are very brave going into work feeling so anxious. I know it can be a distraction, but you need to be careful not to push yourself too hard.

Don't really have any answers, but just wanted to show my support, and say I understand .

Hi Carolin. Your support is much appreciated and I welcome a friendly reply. As for brave, I'm not really. I just know that I will feel worse at home and I would be really disappointed with myself for taking time off which I haven't done for four years. Sometimes, it's torture though!

Sounds like a similar year to me. Did you anticipate burnout?

I basically told friends, colleagues, family and my partner that I was close to burnout. I'd had enough.

Yet I ploughed through life, and guess what, it was too much and I felt ill with anxiety for a good 3-4 months. I am almost on the other side of it all, but not totally recovered.

I've felt all of those sensations and I've also attributed them to worse conditions. I do still have an element of health anxiety....

Keep your chin up. Working is a good distraction if you can.

Hi ML! I wouldn't say I have ever suffered burnout though, to be honest, I'm not very good at listening to what my body is trying to tell me so I wouldn't necessarily know. There are times at the weekend where I can barely function because I'm so exhausted but I seem to have recharged the batteries by Monday. I definitely need to consider my work/life balance more but that's a bit difficult when in a new job as there's so much to do and learn.

What I find interesting in your reply is that you said 'I felt ill with anxiety' which isn't the way people normally phrase it but it would describe me exactly. When I'm at my worst, I feel really ill. Mentally anxious, yes, but the physical symptoms are horrendous.

Chin firmly up, as always :D

21-12-15, 14:17
Hi Pip

So sorry to hear that you are struggling.

I always feel at my worst December and January, think it is the dark days and the weather impacting on me.

I have tried a SAD lamp which some swear by but unfortunately it doesnt seem to be doing the trick for me, it maybe worth you trying one out though.

I too find it very hard to work out what physical symptoms are caused by anxiety and which are real, in my case it really is a case of me doubting everything. Sometimes I think that it is a crash of confidence which makes me feel so uncertain.

You have had a lot on your plate this year and I suppose that it was bound to catch up on you eventually. Couldn't agree more re the benefits of continuing to work. It is useful in keeping us distracted and also a means of achieving something, no matter how little, each day.

Take care and be kind to yourself. It will pass, it's just hell waiting for it to do so.

Elen x

21-12-15, 19:32

Thanks for your lovely words - it's so reassuring to know there are others who feel the same, even my fellow admins. We suffer too! It's sounds like we're in a similar situation. It always confuses me to have physical symptoms of anxiety when I don't really feel that mentally anxious. I should be used to it now after over 30 years of the same. It doesn't stop my mind whirring, trying to work out what's going on, though I know it's best to be distracted and float through it. Easier said than done when you're in the middle of it.

Had a good day at work and now I'm home, I've taken a diazepam for some respite (the first since early summer as it's my emergency back up). Sometimes I just need a rest! I tried propranolol last night instead which slowed my pounding heart and fixed the tight stomach but they give me shocking nightmares. I didn't realise until I checked a few months ago that this is a common side effect. Just what an anxious person needs!

I've pondered a light box before as it is really depressing to drive to work in the pitch black and drive home the same. At least today's the shortest day. For me, I think it's the long hours and by the time I get to Christmas, I'm knackered! New Year's resolution to sort out the work/life balance and relearn my relaxation techniques taught to me by a well-meaning but none too effective psychiatrist many moons ago. But that's a whole other story. Suffice it to say, the old Victorian mental hospitals were a bit intimidating, even as a day patient!

Big hugs :hugs:

Pip xxx

22-12-15, 16:32
Hugs to you too Pip, and well done for putting your best foot forward and realising even in the midst of it all that it will pass! I know what you mean about driving to and from work in the dark, it's miserable - but as you say, the shortest day has gone now so it's all downhill from here (in a good way!). Wishing you a happy and balanced festive season! x

24-12-15, 13:09

Yeah me too, I don't know what it is with December and January months. Maybe it's seasonal anxiety or something like that. Anyways, I urge you to use this holiday season to have a bit of a break. Exhaustion leads to stress, stress leads to anxiety. Think of all the people you have helped, not only on this community, but outside of it as well.

You deserved an award for all the things you've done. You and all the admin deserves more than a round of applause. Reflect for a moment on those people you've helped this year. Isn't it satisfying, makes all your worries go away, and simply heart-warming. Then think of all the people you would help next year. That would be exciting and challenging but enjoyable.

I may not have been here for that long but I can honestly say that it has been an honor to be a part of the community. You and all the other admins are great people. Stay strong, whatever triggered this end year anxiety that you are feeling I'm pretty sure you can beat it. :)

24-12-15, 13:43
Physical symptoms of anxiety plague me on a regular basis, Pip, especially when I am exhausted. It's never easy to believe that anxiety can cause them when you're in the midst of it though.

I hope that your Christmas gives you time to recuperate and re-energise!

24-12-15, 17:28

Thank you for your kind words - I'm so pleased that NMP is helping you, just as it has helped me so much. However well we think we are, anxiety has a habit of creeping back when we least expect it and some sound advice from members here makes all the difference to me. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Have a lovely Christmas!


Exactly right, it's so hard to accept physical anxiety symptoms as anxiety when you're in the throws of a bad spell. I decided that distraction was the best approach so I worked as close to Christmas as I could and then spent today tidying the garden. I feel much better than I did two days ago. I'm just hoping I'll feel ok tomorrow.

Both your comments have made me feel even better now :D

Hugs all round

Pip xx