View Full Version : Big step.

21-12-15, 18:01
So long story short, shit hit the fan with my parents and I. It came out about my anxiety and how bad it was. So I have told my mom a lot about me. I have always kept it secret but know she's aware of how bad it is. I feel a bit better after slightly yelling and telling her how it is. It's stuff I needed to say. I've been crying and now I have a headache. I don't know if it's a good thing that I spoke my heart. I feel like it's going to blow up in my face. But it's something that seems to be the right time to talk about. Since we had an argument. So what do I do next? Just go on like nothing happened? I'm 30 years old and don't need to deal with how my parents feel about my life.

---------- Post added at 18:01 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

Now my mom is offering advice and telling my things like" not doing the things that trigger me are gonna make it worse" now they know that I'm a mess and are gonna try to cure me. I shouldn't have said anything

21-12-15, 18:22
I actually think you did do the right thing. You can't have something like Anxiety festering for too long and people that are close to you, like your Parents will know something is wrong and now you have explained, they can now start to understand what you are feeling. Yes, they might try to interfere; as you see it, but they also might help. It is up to you to decide what advice you take. It is your Life and you can listen and then make up your own mind what will be good for you or not.
I think you made a big step today and it can be very exhausting emotionally for you. Try and get some rest and relaxation and don't over-think what your parents may or may suggest. Just take it in your stride. :hugs:

21-12-15, 18:29
It's a big step, especially if you've held all this inside for as long as you have. IMO, you did the right thing. My daughter (she's 22) came to me when she was 18 and talked to me about her depression and anxiety. I called her Mom (my ex) and we made sure she got the help she needed and she's doing fantastic now.

Your parents reaction in offering tips is only natural and it's because they care. Please don't turn that into a negative or let it stress you. The best thing you could do is help educate them as to what anxiety is about and how they can help and support you. There are books, websites and forums that can help with that.

One step at a time.

Positive thoughts

21-12-15, 18:38
Thanks. I do feel lighter and I hope they do their research and see it's not something I control. I'll try to see their side and not get mad at them. I need a nap lol

22-12-15, 04:21
After everyone cooled down things seemed to be ok. My family has always been close so a big fight like this is crazy. I don't think I d ever fought with them this bad. But everything I needed to say I said and I feel better about it. I just hope they don't look at me like I'm a delicate flower or something and think I'm always going to have an attack.

22-12-15, 06:14
You did the right thing, even if they annoy you, it's good that they know. You can't expect people to understand what isn't said.

It's pretty cool that they are looking up ways to help, although I totally get why that's annoying. But from their perspective, that's the supportive thing to do. Just remember that it's fine to tell them when you need some space/rest. I think people can forget that recovery is as much taking it easy as it is pushing yourself.

I could have done with someone joining me and pushing me to do more when I was really low, lacking motivation was certainly one of my issues, and still is... come to think of it I spent all day in bed. Whoops.

22-12-15, 16:53
Today I'm being pretty lazy lol yesterday took a lot out of me. I do appreciate they care and help. Easier said then done, but after the new year and all these events coming up clear out I'm going to find a therapist. Now that my parents know it will make it harder to chicken out. My husband is supportive of my recovery but he can't hog tie me and drag me to therapy. Although I wish it were that easy lol.