View Full Version : Slight anemia health anxiety gone into overdrive

21-12-15, 19:14
So I had some bloods as I get palpitations every now and then and it came back as I am slightly anemic my doctor wanted more blood to check Ferratin levels etc but now I've gone into complete panic mode stupidly googling and now I'm panicking they are going to tell me I have cancer or leukimi air something terrible I don't know what to do who to talk to I can't snap out of it I'm finding it hard to sleep in irritable someone please reassure me :(

Sam Winter
21-12-15, 19:29
hey hun,
my sister has been anemic tons of times before shes even fainted from it sometimes, and i've had it few times, it can be scary but there are loads of reasons why and cancer is the last one on the list trust me, also i have a high doubt it is as the doctor said you're a little anemic and if you did have cancer you'd be far more anemic and the doctor would express much more concern and be fast about getting other tests asap, it can be scary i've gone into full panic overdrive before and trust me it sucks,
i suggest doing things you love or stuff to take your mind off it and do relaxing things, and try to think of the positive answers, i know none of this probably helped but i can reassure you i doubt it is, and if you ever need to talk about it i'm always here, stay strong. :hugs:

21-12-15, 19:37
Thanks so much for replying ☺️ I know it's probably not but my brain just goes manic everything I seem to see or watch on tv I start thinking back to it and all the worst possible scenarios it really sucks having Health anxiety no one understands unless you have it yourself I'm probably being dramatic actually I know I'm
Being dramatic but I can't help myself, x

21-12-15, 22:13
Hope this makes you feel better!!! The day I had my blood tests was the day I had a smear test!!! I got my blood test back saying I had iron deficiency aneimia as well as pre cancerous cells on my bloody cervix!!! I went into a melt down I was convinced I had every type of cancer going!!!! Is so scary but as someone else stated they can pick all sorts from a blood test! But doesn't help our paranoir because even now I still worry xx

21-12-15, 22:51
That must of been so scary.... It's crippling me I have weeks where I feel calm but it's alway in the back of my mind this fear of dying and something happening to me but when I'm ill or I feel like there's a problem it takes over my life and like many other people have said its stopping me from enjoying life it's not everyday I feel doomed but more often than not it's mostly when I'm on my own with my own thoughts I shouldn't be allowed a smartphone or access to google!!! Since this anemia I've been thinking things that I'm sure normal people don't think like well if I have got something seriously wrong at least my children will be safe and looked after and then I get upset with thinking about them growing up without me jut pure irrational thoughts and I know it's wrong and I shouldn't jump to the worst but my mind won't allow me to be calm it's horrible :( x

22-12-15, 04:15
But your not alone when I found out about my abnormal cells this is exactly what I did! Spent everyday obsessing over my body like omg what if this is a sign of something and what if that is a sign of something!! Any little mark or pain bruise headache backache muscle tension spasm you name it I freaked out about it! But since they upped the meds omg I'm so much happier!!! I'm running round cleaning again I'm sexually active with my partner again just so much more I'm doing now rather than just sitting obsessing over my body!!!! I tell you what on this website when you go to the intro on health anxiety I don't know who wrote it I'm imagining the owner of this website but my god they have it down to a T!!!!! No more panic has defo helped reduce my daily Google symptom checker fix!!!!

---------- Post added at 04:15 ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 ----------

And IDE panic over my kids too , my two boys are with someone from s previous relationship so I was like omg my daughter would be separated from
Her brothers etx really done me in but I try not to think that way now

22-12-15, 21:50
I haven't ever been to the doctors about it and spoke of the way I feel regarding my health anxiety so no body really knows I kind of suffer in silence every time I feel the courage to book a appointment with my gp I get embarrassed and don't know what to say and then feel like I'm fine and try and ignore it and then it will re surface again x

22-12-15, 22:25
Don't ever be embarrassed to talk or get help! Anxiety is a serious thing and nobody should suffer in silence!!! Go to the doctors and talk to them x

22-12-15, 22:33
I have recently been told I have low ferritin and I freaked out.
They said it was border line but I couldn't help but worry and kept going back to the docs to reassure me.
I'm fine about it now and accepted it as they said I am a lady with periods most women will have low iron due to periods but not even know about it if they haven't had tested
I'm on iron supplements but when they stop giving me them Im going to have to improve my diet which is hard as I can only eat certain things due to my ibs
You are not alon any questions feel free to ask as I only found this out In October so it's new to me.

23-12-15, 20:55
I know but I don't know about anybody else but o have times where I feel fine on top of the world put it to the back of my mind as being silly irrational and then there's times where I know I have it and at the point if I could tell my gp there and then i would but then I go back to feeling semi ok and ignore it I know I have it but for me part of my anxiety isn't just health related it's also confidence wise too, both my sisters suffer with anxiety too so I'm pretty sure it runs in the family I wish I could speak up but I find it really hard as I know people who don't suffer with it won't understand? I have another blood test on Tuesday to check my Ferratin levels so it's still on my mind I hope i can enjoy Christmas without dwelling on things too much x