View Full Version : Caffeine & Alcohol

21-12-15, 20:33
Hi all, This is my first post. I hope I've posted it in the right place.

Since beginning to suffer from panic, about a year ago it became very clear that I had completely lost the ability to drink alcohol or caffeine any more as it would only cause anxiety and panic, which it never used to.

I was wondering if any one here had ever managed to regain their ability to drink caffeine and alcohol again? Because as far as I can see it doesn't look likely. From what I've read, once people lose it it's gone for good.

I'd appreciate people's thoughts.


21-12-15, 20:54
Hi, I understand what you mean in regards to caffeine. I'm ok with is half the time but sometimes it just really gives me that tight chested feeling and it's horrible. I think sometimes (with me) it just acts as a catalyst when you're already in an anxious mood, even if you don't realise it. So when I know I'm going through a rough patch I avoid it completely.
Sorry this isn't much help, but I just thought I'd share how I feel!

21-12-15, 21:33
Yup I'm the same. Do you get palpitations as well?

21-12-15, 23:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

I couldn't tolerate many things when I was at my most severe. That would include food, even water. I was so sensitised to any changing sensation in my body.

I'm fine with caffeine now. So, whatever you have read is flawed because I can say with certainty that I can tolerate it now.

I have drank alcohol without any problems after I recovered to a point from breakdown. So, again I differ. I haven't drank since relapse but it's been heavily complicated by medication problems preventing progress.

There is a thread here where members are saying they can drink fine which is further proof against what you have read elsewhere so use such evidence to challenge negative thoughts:


21-12-15, 23:35
Wow, that is interesting, I'm surprised. I thought I may never be able to enjoy a cup of tea or glass of wine again (a tough thing to accept at only 24 years of age). Thank you for the info. Maybe there is hope yet!

21-12-15, 23:38
I did regain my ability to drink coffee once when I was on prozac years ago but I lost it again when I relapsed. alcohol was never a problem for me in that respect, or rather it became a problem as i became anxious when I didnt have it

21-12-15, 23:58
There are some that can tolerate caffeine and alcohol and some that can't regardless of their mental or physical health. If you do a search here, you'll find many that experience the same thing. Also, one must consider the negative side effects associated with alcohol and medication. All of the drugs listed in the medication section carry the warning to "abstain or limit the use of alcohol". One is a beta blocker that warns of deceased blood pressure and fainting and one warns of potential liver damage.

Also, for many, the self control it takes to limit use is well... limited. How many time have you had a couple drinks and next thing you know you're drunk? Then, the next day is horrendous.

If you can handle it great, but if it's making your symptoms worse it's just common sense to abstain.

It's the same for caffeine. Some can handle it and for some, it increases anxiety symptoms.

I was a smoker. I got cancer. I don't smoke. Do I still get the urge? Absolutely! I smell a good cigar and I want a Partegas and a good glass of brandy or scotch. Same with alcohol. I'm on meds for my heart that say the same thing as the meds in the meds section. I asked my doctor and he said I could have "a" beer with a meal once in a while. I'm quite strong willed so I can do that. I also have a chill pill that I take when the stress gets a little much to handle and when I'm on it, I totally abstain. The risks are not worth it to me.

Again, do a search here. Read those threads. Heck, for that matter read your responses on this thread! You don't want to do something that will be a detriment to yourself and cause greater harm regardless of how much you like it or miss it. Hopefully, treating your anxiety and healing will allow you to enjoy these things again someday, in the meantime, allow common sense to prevail.

Positive thoughts

22-12-15, 15:38
Im fine with alcohol..i have a bottle of red wine every sat night...iv suffered anxiety depression panic attacks for 10 years..i look forward to sat night when i have my wine,as it relaxes me..any more than a bottle and its iffy for me..xmas will be a test as i have a few days planed that will involve drinkig more than a bottle of wine..good luck and happy christmas