View Full Version : TERRIFIED!!!!

22-12-15, 02:16
I had a mole biopsy on December 9, the mole was on my neck where sun doesn't really hit and it was brand new, had only appeared maybe two weeks before. It wasn't big or anything and the derm said she wasn't worried, but it did have a strange shape so she took it off even though she didn't think it was melanoma but better safe than sorry. Well, they said they would have my biopsy results in one week (so by the 16th), I called then and they didn't have it, it's now the 21st and I called again today and they STILL do not have the results! I can't stand the waiting, my throat is getting sore and I'm convinced I have melanoma and it has already metastasized to my lymph nodes!!!! Please help!!!!!!!!!!!

22-12-15, 03:13
Certainly one can understand the stress related to waiting on tests. I can tell you as a survivor, if something were sinister, you would have been contacted. The fact the the doctor wasn't worried and the lack of communication, bodes well. I can tell you from experience that you would have heard by now if something were concerning.

As far as your throat? There's a lot of crud going around (have a bit myself) so I see that as unrelated. Hope you hear of the "all clear" soon.

Positive thoughts