View Full Version : Do you think a blood test would show cancer?

22-12-15, 09:53
Now, I know that blood tests cant diagnose you with cancer (except for leukemia and whatnot) but if you did have cancer, would you think there would be some red flags in a blood test? Or something suspicious? I got results back today for A LOT of things, not just CBC, and everything came back normal and fine except for some iron deficiency. If I had cancer, would my blood test results differ? Just looking for some reassurance of course lol. Health anxiety sucks

22-12-15, 10:30
Your blood is the fuel which keeps your body working.

If there was something broken in your body (cancer), then I would like to think it would show in your blood work in some way. Particularly because some Cancers have particular protein blood markers which show up. Also body inflammation is measured in the blood work, including Liver function etc.

If everything is all fine... then you have to try as hard as you can to keep telling yourself that.

Believe me, I totally understand how you feel.

22-12-15, 23:28
If you had cancer then full bloods would show if there's any infection namely the Haemotolgy profile which would lead to further tests. So please don't worry, I work for a health screening company so know about bloods quite a bit.

23-12-15, 00:12
Speaking from experience, While blood work won't show specific cancers, As Sean said (Good to see you bro!), there are certain indicators that would show up as red flags for further investigation.

Positive thoughts

23-12-15, 01:33
Thanks for the replies, helped me put myself at ease a bit :)