View Full Version : Depression

21-02-07, 14:30
Hi all, i am new to the site and am suffereing from depression, i don't feel like i can talk to my GP or my family about this matter, i have read about what to do and who i should speak to, i just can't seem to pull myself together and take the next step, do any of you have any suggestion on how to overcome this fear?

how long
21-02-07, 14:55
king kong

I too suffer from depression and found it hard to accept, but going to my GP was the best thing I did - she provided me with meds and support and when i got real bad referred me to a specialist - 6 months on I am going back too work next week. I still suffer some of the time but it's not as bad or for as long. Go see your GP but remember there is no "magic bullet" for depression - recovery takes time and patience

good luck

21-02-07, 15:18
Hi Kong,

Welcome to the site, there's some really good people here who will give you lots of advice and support. As said, it is hard to accept there is a problem and seek advice. This is a great place to start.

Speaking to your GP is the best thing to do first, I suffered in silence for years and wished I'd got help earlier before I ended up getting worse.


21-02-07, 15:21
Hi King Kong,

Firstly :welcome: to NMP. You will get loads of support and advise here, everyone is really friendly, and we all know what you're going through and how hard it can be.

I suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and depression. The best thing I did was talk to my GP about how I was feeling. When you talk about things they begin to make sense, it's when you don't talk about things and they are kept locked up inside that it gets very muddled and confusing, and quite scary. It's hard making the first step, but once you've made it it's onwards and upwards from then on. If you go and speak to your GP they can give you meds, which can help you feel better, and you could ask for counselling too if you want. You just have to remember that you can beat this depression. It won't be easy, no-one said it would be, but in the end it will be worth it. You owe it to yourself to fight it.

We are here to help you on the way, but only you can make the first step. You can talk to us here and we can try and support you. Well done for coming to the site - that seems like a step forward to me. Now try and make the next step. These are all achievements. :)

22-02-07, 09:59
Hi there KIng Kong

I can only echo the advice of others, Don't go on suffering in silence. If you find it in you to talk to your GP I think you would find it helpful.
I have suffered on alone in the past without input from GP or anyone, but it was a lonely time. I am so glad that this time I am seeing GP, therapist etc.


22-02-07, 10:41
Elo King Kong,

A big welcome to the site hun and loadsa hugs..

I have ptsd, anxiety and depression..damn thing...

With depression we lack so much motivation and like you said even tho you know wtf is goin on its so hard to pull yourself up n do it..

By suffering in silence hun you are only gonna make yourself feel worse..tryin to put up a front but underneath ur a god damn mess..all been there..

Please go to you're gp and have a good chat..Even just lettn it out can help enormously..they are there to help..they dont judge nor do we..

Try doin small things everyday..set urself targets..no matter how small or insignificant you think they maybe..and do not put yourself down for not doin it or achieving your daily targets..that is so important..

You are not alone here..we are all suffering in dif ways so we totally understand..

Chin up hun x

22-02-07, 13:06
Hi King Kong,

A big warm welcome to you. xxx Everyone here is lovely.

26-05-09, 08:23
how to get cured, 1st step what to do?i too feel so badl, the unbalance feeling, drowsy, sleepy, tiredness, light headed giddy, dizzy, can't focus, blank feeling, can't think, scared, worried. plshelp

26-05-09, 08:40
After almost 4years of GAD, panic attacks and anxiety are not that scary for me, I know what to do and how to deal with it.

Though LINGERING anxiety which causes depression is what I fear now and have most of the negative moods associated with.
I am trying to get rid of lingering anxiety and I believe this will eliminate breeding ground of depression.