View Full Version : Why can't this just let me be?

22-12-15, 14:43
My fear constantly switches between two things right now. The overriding fear of pancreatic cancer is always the same. At first it was because of the middle and upper back pain. Then it was the mucus in the stool. Saw the GP today, he was happy to set up a faecal occult test but the mucus seems to come mostly when constipated and I've been feeling better about that so now its back to the back pain.

The thing is I know my trapezius and rhomboids are sore and I looked up other muscles of the back and a lot of the pain seems to be around the sides on the latissimus dorsi mucles. Can one set of muscles cause another to hurt? And also, it bothers me that it is round the bottom of the ribs, but if I pinch the skin, there are tender spots. Why can't I get over this? I'm concerned if there is muscle pain it is masking a more sinister cause that has cause the muscle pain in the first place.