View Full Version : Shoulder/finger

22-12-15, 20:17
About 6 months ago i started having pain in top of my arm on certain arm movements, not frozen shoulder as such. I eventually went to Dr who said its your shoulder and as there was a very long wait for nhs physio ( 6 months) I have paid for physio and had 6 visits. Its very slightly better but the physio is not concerned as he says shoulders take ages to get right. He says I have a weak and painful shoulder and the arm muscles are being overworked hence the pain on certain movements.
Plus I have a problem with pain in my second finger on same arm. I only get it when I grip even if I don't grip with my second finger. Worse in mornings and slightly less painful as day goes on. The physio cannot really work out what this is.

So my worry is that 14 years ago my mother died of breast cancer that had spread to her bones. Her first symptom was a very painful shoulder :scared15: that for 3 months was treated as a frozen shoulder until an xray showed it for what it was. She had had the initial cancer 6 years before.

Part of me wants to rush to the Dr and demand an exray of my shoulder and finger but I have had so many x rays over the years that I know its not in my best interests to have more.

I have an appt with GP next week and am debating admitting my underlying fear to him and asking how I can be reassured but on other hand don't want him to immediately dismiss me as just health anxiety.

What do you all think?

23-12-15, 11:49
I would say that your physio has given a very thorough reason as to why your shoulder is painful, even if they can't explain the finger ache, but I totally appreciate your concerns given what happened to your mother. I would say that unless you have noticed any changes in your breasts, then it is unlikely that you would have the exact same problem, and you are probably hyper-focusing on that pain because of your mother's experience....

However, seeing as you are going to see your doctor anyway, I would mention your concerns & explain your mother's case, they may carry out some further tests to put your mind at ease, or they may say that you are being overly anxious and that you have no symptoms to suggest that further tests are necessary, in which case be prepared to accept that answer too.

If it is muscular, perhaps your physio can give you exercises to ease the pain & strengthen your shoulder? Practising these regularly should help ease your ache & therefore your mind. Try not to overthink it until you speak to your doctor :)

23-12-15, 14:59
I don't know if this will help you a little but I have Bursitis in my right shoulder and Carpal tunnel..confirmed ... Had 2 different physio confirm same..I have had Physio and like you it helped a little.. But, I too have had pain in middle finger and was told it was refered pain from neck to shoulder to finger..It can apparently affect various fingers with pain, or tingling/numbness etc.

23-12-15, 20:19
Thanks both. I saw my Gp today as they had lots of appointments and discussed both problems and my fears. He thinks the finger problem is tendonitis as when I move my thumb to grip the pain stabs in my other finger but as all the tendons go into one tendon in wrist this could be reason and I am very prone to tendon problems that have always resolved but can take many months.

He said I can say with total confidence that you do not have bone cancer but he did understand why I would be a little worried. He said if there was no improvement with physio in new year to go back to see him. He said an xray would put my fears to total rest as this would show up any bone problem but given I have had alot of x rays over the years he does not want to send me for one yet which again is understandable.

I have alot of exercises from the physio but I do have severe neck damage ( prolpased disc and arthritis) and the exercises are aggravating my long standing problem.

So I will leave it a few more weeks yet before I go back.