View Full Version : Black dots when blinking ?!

22-12-15, 22:22
Hi everyone,
So since last Saturday I've had these black spots when blinking particularly when looking at something bright , I brushed it off as being tired originally as I've really overworked myself. It didn't happen all day Sunday and Monday but I've really noticed it today :( my mind is in overdrive thinking I might have a retinal detachment which has always been a big phobia of mine. I've been so tired and stressed from working a lot I'm also really run down with flu so I'm not feeling too great anyway. I've always had eye floaters but never had these black spots before. I'm sure if I was busy I wouldn't even notice but I've been off work today so I've been focused on it all day :(
Anyone else had anything similar? Help would be much appreciated xx

23-12-15, 01:41
I've had this for years, I always considered it was normal lol. I'm pretty sure your anxiety might be causing you to notice things you didn't before. If not, then maybe I've been screwed for years.

23-12-15, 07:46
After images, pretty much everyone who can see gets these.