View Full Version : GAD and my day from hell

23-12-15, 03:10
Hello everyone,

It's been about a year or so since i last posted on this website, and once again i'm looking for support. I have been suffering from GAD for 2 years now and for the first year i had quite a bad time, getting panic attacks every day and sometimes several times. This year it's been the same but in the last 6 months it's calmed down a little. I did have to take a month off work back in June though because everything was so bad.

I work as part of the admin in a hospital and this morning i was in one of the busiest places, our reception. Everything was going well until some of the doctors started all asking me different things, putting me under pressure. After they left my hands felt really clammy and i went dizzy. My heart rate soared and i started really panicking. One of the nurses saw me and said i looked quite pale, so she checked my blood sugar and my blood pressure. The blood sugar came back fine, but my heart rate was about 110bpm, so they took me over to a&e for further assessment and called my partner to come get me. 5 hours later and i'd been prodded and poked plenty. I'd had an ecg and a blood test but the results for both of these were fine and they checked my blood pressure about 5 times - my heart rate varied each time, sometimes it would go down to about 80bpm but then others it would go up to 110bpm. Either way they let me go when they were satisfied with everything.

After all of that my boss spoke to me, and didn't really have many encouraging words to say. She expected me to be straight back on reception tomorrow morning and didn't really give me any sympathy. This upset me quite a bit, and with it being my finishing time i set off home.

This evening i have been constantly shaking and getting worked up and now it's affecting my sleep. Every time i go to sleep i dream about being on reception again, then wake up feeling sick and having a quick heart rate. Once i sit up in bed and catch my breath it goes, but i can only get about half an hour of sleep before the same thing happens again.

I keep getting really scared that there is something wrong with my heart, even though they have done all of these tests. I'm overthinking and scaring myself but i just can't calm down. I can't even seem to lay down in bed without feeling nauseous.


Love a fellow anxiety sufferer xx

23-12-15, 05:55
Incredible that a hospital of all places acts like this.

23-12-15, 09:22
It would have been so much nicer if your boss had shown some compassion. I think being understood and supported is so important when we suffer from anxiety.

Had your boss given you support, I am sure you wouldn't feel so worried about going back to work.
It is natural to worry the same thing will happen again. I had a bad attack last night, and I am now thinking it will happen again.

We need to tell ourselves we can get through it, and think how many times you have worked and been fine. Easy to say, but I know it is a lot harder to put into practice.

Good luck today xx