View Full Version : A question to any one that has or knows about crohns

23-12-15, 08:37
I haven't been diagnosed but I'm getting many of the symptoms but I've noticed my bp has been low can this happen with crohns I'm also lightheaded and dizzy

23-12-15, 12:25
Are you bleeding a great deal? That could have an effect I should think.

23-12-15, 13:46
No I seem to have a day when it's low normal then it goes low and it only low during the day and picks up in the evening

23-12-15, 17:35
Daft question but why do you think you have crones disease, I have UC and microscopic colitis which could be the start of crones that's why I ask.
Diagnosed 4 years ago

24-12-15, 07:42
I feel I have some of the symptoms but not sure what it is I get a horrible cramping pain round my belly button area after I have eaten I'm bloated like I'm 6 months pregnant my stools are different from what they used to be I have constant headache sweats just feels my digestive system is not working properly lightheaded dizzy bp low during the day no energy I know it's not anxiety cos I've suffered with that for years this is new and been going on for a few months now

05-01-16, 16:59
I have a close friend that had UC/Crohn (the doctors could not tell for sure), but I can tell you that her symptoms were severe. Going like 15 times a day in the bathroom, heavy bleeding, etc.

She had several surgeries, removed most of the colon, but since more than 1 year is doing fine

05-01-16, 18:24
I have Crohn's and my experience of it when it started was pretty rough.
A month of high fevers, lost 8 kg, Constant pain in my lower back, couldn't poop (usually it's the opposite with Crohn's) and coulnd't eat. It kept getting put down to the flu/gastro bug.

Admitted myself to hospital and I had a severe case with abscesses through my small intestine, inflammation through the roof and severe narrowing of part of my intestine.

It doesn;t sound like you have Crohn's, maybe Irritable Bowel? But of you get your doc to do a CRP test that will show if you have inflammation.