View Full Version : low red blood cells

23-12-15, 15:48
Hi everyone

Posted a few times before
but I had a blood test for several things.

And my red blood cells are lower, doctor is retesting 4 weeks after the test which will be in 2.5 weeks time

But if you read my previous posts they is a chance I have picked up hiv
could this effect the red blood cells at an early stage???

I got joint pains that come and go in
1 finger on both hands
mainly left voot on the side, botom
groin area

ok I had hiv test which proved negative
28 days duo test
38 days antibodies rapid test

I know the time line is 3 months for a complete clear result

What can cause low red blood cells and joint pain?

just wondering??

23-12-15, 17:32
Colds and flue, tooth problems, infections of any type.
Being run down, our bodies don't always need a major illness to get bad test results.

27-12-15, 18:07
Thanks for the reply

Yer I do think I have made my body run down.

which is no good, Anxitey prehaps without me knowing about it at times.

I have changed my diet as well which may not have helped
which I tested out by going back to my old diet for a week-2 weeks then instead of stopping few things I be reducing the levels.
