View Full Version : First time taking citalopram

23-12-15, 18:38
Hi, I have had citalopram 10mg since Feb but have only just started to take them. Basically I have high anxiety mostly about my health and literally everyday am in a panic/crying or something. I put off taking them because of the side effects but couldn't see any other way after trying literally everything this year. Am on day 3 but this morning was awful. I had hardly any sleep and woke to the worst nausea ever. I have emetophobia too so this was really hard. I have an awful cold so I think that is not helping as I cannot breathe and my chest and head hurts (not sure if the side effects are the cold or the pill, same with the lack of sleep). Am now scared to take the pill again in case again I can't sleep and wake up feeling the same. I know I have to stick it out but am just really scared and after any positive comments really. Thanks in advance.

23-12-15, 20:59
Hi jjhptrb
Sorry to hear you are not feeling great at the moment. I also suffer from a fear of vomiting but I found that the nausea wore off gradually after a few days. I tried eating small amounts regularly and always ate something when taking the tablet. It seemed less harsh on the stomach that way and reduced the nausea. I was never actually sick, it was just a feeling of general yuckiness.
I expect the cold is not helping as your body is trying to cope with that too.
I hope you start to feel better soon :)

23-12-15, 22:43
Hi there, people react in all different ways, I had some crazy side effects on Sertraline but nothing on Citalopram. As a rule they WILL pass in 1-2 weeks, possibly a little longer but you need to not keep referring to the side effects list and try and 'just be' .. I found once reading the side effects, I was almost searching from them.

On Sertraline I had extreme insomnia for the best part of 3 weeks and like a flick of a switch I slept fine and have done ever since.

Don't focus on the idea of taking the medication and just try and go along with the ride, things do ease up once everything has settled in your system. Its a bit like when someone tries a cigarette for the first time and then before you know it, it becomes the 'norm' for your system.

Keep going and you will feel better soon

23-12-15, 23:18
Taking it with food had been found to reduce nausea and is because Citalopram affects a specific receptor in the gut but this is only at the beginning so it should pass soon.

Some people have found not taking it at night alleviated the insomnia. I struggled terribly with insomnia initially and I was given Zopiclone to help me sleep. This helped immensely as not sleeping really made my mood sink which I never had prior to it.

Stay in contact with your GP in case you need help with that.

26-12-15, 19:41
Thanks for the replies. Last few days haven't been too bad (except for the cold which is truly shocking). But today I have been so tired! Hoping this isn't another side effect and that it goes away soon. I have another week off work but have literally just been staring into space today. I have health anxiety like I said and one of the main reasons for taking medication was to help that and the horrible headaches and foggy headed feeling. This just seems to be the same and worried it won't help. Also I haven't cried for 6 days - the pill couldn't be stopping me feeling emotions right?

27-12-15, 05:55
These meds can have an effect on our emotions, some people have swings, some people feel emotionless.

The key right now is that anything new that wasn't a feature of your anxiety before can be treated as a side effect. Side effects are going to be temporary, although some people find they aren't suited to a med so have to switch because some side effects continue. Having HA is a double struggle at this time as you will be closer to associating them with something you are afraid of in a physical disease but try to rationalise this and ask yourself if it has only come since taking this med. If the answer is yes, wait out the 4-6 weeks and it very possibly will be gone by then.