View Full Version : Update on head pressure

23-12-15, 21:43
So about 3 months ago I started noticing that I was having chronic tension headaches (really a feeling of minor pressure on my forehead). Nothing seemed to make them go away and I got myself into quite a anxiety spell over the issue, looking at every possible explanation including brain tumor.

Fast forward to now, and these headaches have for the most part subsided after a prescription of seroquel at 50mg's. Unfortunately after taking this medication I noticed that my vision seemed a bit off. At first it was unmistakably blurry, but then this disappeared. Once at 50mgs though for about a month I started to notice a ghosting effect in my vision when I look at bright lights (my bright red illuminated keyboard for instance seemed to really showcase) however a pinhole test seems to make this go away.

My question is as follows however, due to the eyesight issues I need to now go down on this prescription to 25mgs. Thus, how likely am I to notice my head pressure symptoms again? Is the fact that much of it went a way an indication that it was all stress related or is their something in this medication that might for example mast a physical symptom like something neurologically related.

For refference, before this medication I had a full eye exam (from a specialist), a brief neurological exam, had blood work done, consulted with two separate GP's and finally have been actively seeing my CBT on a weekly basis and they have brought up nothing substantial to suggest that I might have say a tumor.

24-12-15, 07:55
I imagine if you better manage your stress you would be less likely to see the tension headache return after stopping seroquel, provided you taper off it slowly. You could also try getting a massage to relieve the muscle tension. This would reduce the tension headache and reduce stress.

26-12-15, 17:06
So as an update I'm slowly decreasing the seroquel. So far so good, but I've noticed that I can feel the slightest bit of head pressure now. This is such an unusual symptom I've been having as of late but its probably all in my head. Also eyesight was abit amiss yesterday, but seems to be improving as I taper. This drug, thus seems to relieve me of my head pressure but gives me eye issues. Oh well I guess. As long as it isn't something neurological like a tumor I'll deal with it. Had that worry now when I first had the headaches; 3 months ago, but upon taking this medication these symptoms dissapeaered for the most part.

02-01-16, 15:54
Today I woke up with a splitting headache, which dissipated within an hour; 30 mins after taking advil (non liquid gels). Is this a concerning development? Again headaches seemed to go away completely at serequel level of 50mg but are not returning as I reduce to 25mg. This is mainly a feeling of pressure but this morning I had a splitting headache upon waking up. Worried about tumor! Help!

03-01-16, 03:58
It sounds like tension/anxiety are causing the headache/pressure if seroquel makes it go away? So not likely to be a tumor, just anxiety. Not that there is any 'just' when it comes to anxiety!