View Full Version : Oh dear...under shoulder blade pain!

21-02-07, 18:58
...when i press my under my shoulder it hurts so i'm *hoping* its a muscle problem rather than a heart. However, unlike a muscle pain its coming and going - which is bothering me slightly.

Sarah x

21-02-07, 19:08

Muscle pain often comes and goes depending on which way you're moving at the time. Cardiac pain is more static.

Also, heart pain wouldn't be felt under your shoulder.

Try doing some stretches and gentle movements.

21-02-07, 19:14
Hi Sarah,

Try not to worry too much, it definately sounds like muscle pain, this can often come and go and be really painful. . Just try to keep on mobilising the area and some anti inflamatories like ibuprofen should do the trick. It can take a while for the soreness to subside so give it time, hope you feel better soon.

Take care

shirley xx

22-02-07, 08:25
Thank you, however i feel a tad stupid.
Later on i remembered that i slept sitting up (had wet hair!) and i was leaning against my iron bedstead! THAT would have caused that pain.

I'm daft...

Sarah x