View Full Version : deviated septum?

24-12-15, 02:19
I've had this problem for a while now. I've had this random tightness on my nostrils, brief short breath feeling(it's brief) and shifts from nostril to nostril.

I did get a scope ran from nose to throat in June of this year when I saw my ENT doc. It was for an unrelated issue with some swallowing problem that bothered me, but it ended up being anxiety.

The END doc did say I had a bit of redness in my vocal cords, sinusitis, and some deviated septum. He didn't say the extent of it.

I recall I had some little schoolyard scuffule in January 2009 with some guy at my high school. The guy had said some really homophobic and insulting things at me that I didn't like and exchanged some words with him and we fought. He had hit my nose during the process. I did go to the ER that day, but the ER doc I saw had told there was no really no damage yet I call BS on it.

I've felt like my breathing different somewhat after that time.

I've theorized that my nose has been damaged since that time. The problem comes and goes.

I'm unsure if deviated septum cause panic attacks or make them worse because I feel like it has.

And I just switched insurance(thank you Blue Cross for making my insurance not a PPO) and trying to get a second opinion on the deviated septum. My ENT doc is a good doc, but I just want a second opinion.

Until I do see an ENT doc, what are some ways I could relieve some of the deviated septum problem. I do have cortisoid nose spray, but I know you can't use that liberally everyday because that is a problem.