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21-02-07, 19:02
A great friend of mine suggested that I read a book "called your bodies many cries for water" by DrF Batmanghelidj as I was having so many panic attacks - some I was sure I knew the reason for, I would wake each morning with a headache, - which of course was a brain tumor, I would have difficulty in swallowing so that affected my eating, drinking, breathing etc. I would manage to eat something, it would give me palpitations, hearburn, wind..... so I would drink something to help that, then I would have wind, that led to another PA, maybe this time I had stomach cancer, or irritable bowl, then I gave up drinking water and only drank tea which had to be just the right temperature, or it caused problems, so stopped that and only would have peppermint tea, then only black tea, because I thought it was milk... I am sure many have had the same symptoms, eventually I read the book, wow what an interesting concept, now I drink so much water, no more headaches, less depressed, no joint pains, no uncomfortable digestion, and truly believe that the panic attacks are better - (next one will be am I drinking too much water, will I dilute all the sodium???) I do honestly suggest you read it, it has helped me.

21-02-07, 19:11
How much water do you drink? I find it a pain in the **** knocking back water all day. Do you buy bottles or tap?


21-02-07, 19:15
I drink about 7 litres. I drink mainly tap, but always take a bottle if I go out, I think a great many people find it hard, but do you know, I miss it if I do not drink it

21-02-07, 19:19
7 LITRES? do you sleep only 3 hours a night? lol

I keep reading about how great lots of water is, but I just can't seem to get my head around it. I go to a lot of sites in a day, and always take black coffee when offered a drink, I must be addicted to Coffee. I can do 2 litres of water in the gym session but thats it.

I think I need to try a couple of days water only, see if it helps. It will have to be during the week though, I am not swapping water for red wine at weekends ;)

Good to hear it works for you.



21-02-07, 23:20
Hi Clarissa

I've listened to the Doctor being interviewed before on the radio and was quite intrigued by his assertion that water has such healing properties. I had a look at his website www.watercure.com and note that he advocates taking a quarter teaspoon of sea salt with every quart of water which kinda goes against medical orthodoxy regarding salt intake. Am quite tempted to buy the book. Thanks for the post.

kay x

22-02-07, 00:57
Wow 7 litres sounds like alot of water to me! Drinking much too much water can be as bad for you as not having enough.