View Full Version : Anyone else experienced this and know what it is?

24-12-15, 12:43
For the past two weeks I have woken up during the night feeling sweaty, breath ing heavy, panicky, tight/funny feeling in chest and a feeling of something bad is going to happen. It doesnt last long and I seem to calm down after 5 minutes. What is this? But of course the sweaty part makes me worry of cancer! Has anyone else had this before??:unsure:

24-12-15, 13:00
It's a panic attack, caused by your health anxiety most likely.

25-12-15, 13:47
I think sweating must be one of the last things doctors look for if they suspect cancer. Sweating just means panic attacks.

25-12-15, 22:08
Happened to me too, for a while, you must be going to bed afraid of doing just that, waking up in the night with those symptoms and you brain never really shuts down for a good night sleep , it feels it must stay alert to control everything.try a little meditation before sleep, calm down and surrender to the conviction that you will sleep well and will wake up well.worked for me.it may take time, don't give up.if you need to talk, pm me

25-12-15, 23:27
Hi, I've had this too as the others have said its a panic attack but obviously doesn't present in the same way to ones when you're full awake. Sometimes I get the sleep ones for no apparent reason and that's what scares me, I also find it very hard to shake the feeling that something is wrong. Honestly, don't worry lots of people go through this too!