View Full Version : Terrified of Moles

24-12-15, 18:19
Hi everyone, I'm new here. Trying to find outlets for my HA rather than google...but it's hard. I am literally obsessed with thinking I have some kind of cancer/horrible disease/impending death.

My new thing is moles. I have a "compound mole" (bit wobbly, bit flat) on my lower back that has never caused me problems until I decided I better look at it and have now been poking and prodding at the area for two weeks. I saw the GP he says it's fine but I don't trust them due to them misdiagnosing my mother's bcc incorrectly for 5 years until we went private. It is now sore and being irritated by clothing but has not done this ever in my life until now....is my mind playing tricks on me or maybe I've hurt it badly by prodding :weep: the whole area feels really badly bruised and tender.

I also have a mole that appeared in 2011/12 (I was 23/24) and then sort of grew a couple of mm and doesn't appear to have changed much for a couple of years. ... is this even normal?

Sam Winter
24-12-15, 19:44
my brother in law has had skin cancer before and judging by all this i want to say no you're perfectly fine, it sounds normal and if you've had it for a while and its only just got painful i'd say its because you either hurt it by prodding it or its because you're paying attention to it, i have a side pain that i've had for ages but once i thought it was appendicitis and panicked then the pain got far worse(turns out it didn't though my mind just thought it did) and it turned out not to be, cut the long story short no i think you'll be fine :) also if it gets worse or changes you can go up to the doctors but i think it won't be xx

25-12-15, 10:03
moles growing as small as a few mm's is normal, and it could just be from your skin stretching from tiny weight gain or something rather than the actual mole increasing too. melanoma moles are constantly evolving. if the mole was dangerous it wouldnt have grown so little then stopped

25-12-15, 14:11
Hi.... I have the exact same problem at the moment last yeas I had a sun spot and I was so convinced I was dying I made my self physically ill, after countless GP visits Iv now calmed down about that one but moved onto another mole �� I'm obsessed about it it's literally ruining my life this health anxiety, so I feel your pain! I'm trying to convince my self if it's not one thing I will find somthing else to panic over I'm living in constant fear! Horrible thing to have to deal with... Your not on your own xx