View Full Version : Melanoma Paranoia

25-12-15, 09:04
So, I've had melanoma paranoia on and off for years and years. Recently, I discovered a new mole just under my hair on the top of my forehead. It's about half a centimetre and isn't round or definite at all. It looks like a dysplastic navi. I am 17 years old, and I don't know how long its been there considering I noticed it when I got a haircut about 2 months ago but the haircut wasnt drastic and I feel like I would've noticed it beforehand if it was there. Now I'm scared it's new and it's melanoma. I had a doctor look at it a week ago and he said to 'keep an eye on it'. That scared me even more. I can't get it checked until mid-January because my parents won't let me go to the doctors until then, and a lot of doctors are closed for Christmas and stuff. I just want it removed now. This anxiety is ruining my holidays. It's 8pm Christmas Day here in Australia right now and I've spent the entire day just terrified that this melanoma is growing in my head, a very fatal spot for skin cancer. I know for a fact if it wasn't for my HA I'd look at this spot on my head and be like 'oh, that's weird' and move on with my life and that's the scary part. I'm self aware but I'm still scared for the worst.

Anyone else have any moles like this? It's not big, sort of oval-y but the borders aren't definite. Isn't really a solid colour either, varying shades of brown.

It looks a bit like picture A here :

25-12-15, 19:31
I have LOADS of moles varying all kinds of shapes, size, bumps and colour (almost 100 moles in total) and I can honestly say that if your mole looks like that, then that is absolutely normal! I have two of them on my forehead. As long as they don't have any of the ABCDE characteristics, then you are fine! If you are worried, get it checked out to give you a peace of mind. I understand how you feel as I am always checking out my moles for any changes and even a zit really scares me :/

Also, you are still young. You will continue to get new moles throughout your teens and into the late 20s. The main problem is the ABCDE and whether they itch or bleed.