View Full Version : horrible cold virus=anxious

25-12-15, 17:14
Merry Christmas everyone,

So, I've been battling a cold for 6 days now. It started like normal sore throat, cough etc but on the third day my left ear totally blocked and I couldn't hear anything out of it. This freaked me out a bit but the next day it seemed to unblock itself a bit. The past few days I've woken up with horrible earache and now both ears are blocked and a bit sore.

This morning I woke up with a blood shot eye and it's now sore and itchy, my nose is dripping, my tummy muscles are sore from coughing so much and my throat is still sore!

I've been trying to limit my paracetomal intake because it says on the box 'do not take for more than 3 days without your Dr's say so'. I'm reassuring myself this is just the company covering their backs and some people take paracetomal every day but still HA is rearing it's ugly head.

And of course it's Christmas so the GP surgeries are closed and I don't know when they open again and I just feel sore :(

Sorry to whinge especially on Christmas!


25-12-15, 17:17
Both my wife and I have it... It hit us both last Monday! I had my 6 month checkup this week and the doctor said just take OTC cold meds and ride it out. It's just a cold albeit a nasty one. Sucks to feel yucky on Christmas but it is what it is.

Positive thoughts and Merry Christmas.

25-12-15, 19:00
I'm the same mine started Tuesday sore throat achy then blocked nose now I have a cough that's tickling my chest and making me anxious it's ruined my Christmas ��

26-12-15, 09:43
Sorry you feel so rubbish. Most GPs back to work Tuesday but few days of painkillers won't hurt x