View Full Version : Health anxiety over old cottage ruining Christmas :(

25-12-15, 20:26
Hi have a huge health anxiety about asbestos at the moment and it
Is ruining my life and Christmas.

I live in a 300 year old property and been renovating since we moved in 4 years ago.
During this time I believe I have been exposed to asbestos .

1st- when stripping paint off an old beam using a paint scraper. I believe I scraped the edge of an artex ceiling as well as it was up to edge of beam.
I remember paint and dust in my face.

2nd- we have had our bathroom remodelled and we moved the door to which part of a partition wall covered in artex was removed - about 4 inches wide/ ceiling height. I was not present when this was done but hoovered up the mess caused by builder hours later.

3rd - potential other exposures in put cottage - I feel it is everywhere :(

I am terrified I am going to die or cancer in 10
Years time due to this literally exposure and cannot function or live well.
It is ruining my life and Christmas - someone please help me.