View Full Version : Hi everyone. New guy.

25-12-15, 22:38
Hi everyone.

Have just joined the forum, I'm looking forward to reading some of the info on here. It's only just the past few days occured to me I may suffer from anxiety. I've always known something isn't quite right, but have been trying to put my finger on it for the past 15 years.

I'm 31 and from Lancashire.

Have had a mega stressful few months with work, then trying to work in the evenings and nights too to help financially which turned out more stressful than I expected. About 4 weeks ago I started with abdominal pains, very low, in left it for two weeks then went to docs, they thought it was a water infection and gave me antibiotics, it didn't clear up. I started to diagnose myself on Google, within a day, I was convinced I had colon cancer. I spent three days fixed to the computer reading symptoms matching them to mine, finding out how long I had left, planning what I could for my girlfriend when I was gone. It sounds a little crazy I suppose. I went to the dr again and explained my concerns, she explained how it was very unlikely but would have me urine tested and a full blood test done, urine sample all normal, blood tests results were back the next morning but the receptionist wouldn't reveal results (which set me off worrying) I phoned next day, no doctor has looked at them yet still, so I booked an appointment for the following day thinking well my stomach pains have gotten worse I can talk to them about that and they will look at my bloods during appointment. Turned out, they were all as she described 'perfect'. It was a different doctor, she was quite easy to tak to, and I explained my worries, she agreed with the other doc it was very unlikely, and spoke to me about stress, and that it can play havoc with your digestive system. She wanted to do a digital rectum exam, which was an odd and embarassijg experience, she said all fine, and prostate fine too, and felt my stomach, she said ive no concerns at all.
Booked me in for another blood test to check for celiac, but she thinks its an infection I'm making worse by worrying.

The odd thing is, i woke up this morning pain free. Was pain free all day, went to see my m and dad, came home all fine. It wasn't until we went to my girlfriends families house for dinner that I was getting really bad abdomen pain. I've always felt uncomfortable there, totally different people to me, quite posh, maybe a bit snobby, and although they are always nice enough, I just feel uncomfortable. Didn't cross my mind until now, but we've been home an hour, and my pains have vanished. Felt like I was going to explode with possible gas or something whilst there, I'm now drinking whisky and fizzy coke at home. Wondering if it could be anxiety now.

I hate social situations, parties or places that try and get people out of the audience to participate are my idea of an absolute nightmare. Pains just returned mildly, is it the pop or because I'm thinking about it.

Ive always had this 'premonition' that I've never told anyone about that in will die young. I used to believe it would be when I was in my early 20's. If I got a sore throat, in thought that was the one, I had throat cancer, but it went away a week later and I couldn't believe it, felt like I had been reborn and was so lucky. Until the next thing like a bug, and in was convinced that was it, but of course, I got better. Headaches, always been a brain tumour, seem to have done well as I've had it for 15 years on and off ;). Now this. It's lasted longer than any other symptom which is why I'm more worried, but for all I know, it might also be gone in a few weeksweeks (well I hope so).

When I was 15 I was put on anti depressants, and sent to a mental health ward for one day a week, they decided I was depressed and blamed it to side effects of smoking cannabis. I used to smoke it a few times a week for about a year. Not touched it for fifteen years though.

There we go, that's me. Bit of a long introduction, my problems in one post. More than I've ever spoke of before. My girlfriend of 10 years could read that and not know it was me. I tend to find it difficult and embarrassing to speak about.

Thanks for reading if anyone got this far.

25-12-15, 22:44
Hiya TheDogMan and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: