View Full Version : Big mole since birth, scared.

26-12-15, 01:28
I've had a mole on my left ankle since birth, it's considered small maybe borderline medium so it has a low risk of developing into melanoma but I'm still scared and paranoid. I'm 17 right now, and my mum knows I get paranoid about being sick so easily so she refuses to take me to the dermatologist to get it checked, even though when I went a few years ago he said to get it checked annually. It is 3cm upwards and 1.5cm across. I covered it with socks going to school and the only sport I played was soccer in which the socks covered it too. If I were to get it removed it would require a skin graph which honestly, I don't mind but my mum won't let me, so I'm going to do it myself when I'm older but for now I'm just scared.

They're quite rare but I was wondering if anyone has or knows someone with a similar mole? I'm quite lucky in some sense because some people have them cover entire parts of their body. I just really want it gone and I'm really scared. I can't stop thinking about it. I've had paranoia over it before, this entire year I didn't even think about it until a couple of weeks ago. I usually have 2-3 phases a year where I just constantly worry about it and this time after researching graphs I'm certain I want it gone.

Here's a picture. (It's not very pleasing, lol.)

26-12-15, 03:13
I'e had moles longer than you've been alive... dozens and dozens. I've also had a quarter sized birth mark/mole on my arm longer than three of your lifetimes. I can't imagine this is an issue for you. Besides, it's been seen by doctors since you were born. If they thought it were an issue, it would be gone by now.

Positive thoughts

26-12-15, 07:26
Thanks for the reply. You having a birthmark mole on your arm for years makes me feel a bit better. They're not that common so I have no way of knowing how many people have actually just lived completely regular lives with them. I just have to stick with it for a few more years.

26-12-15, 16:53
I know two people with moles like that. As Fishmanpa said, they're not terribly common but if it were serious someone would have said something by now.

Being on your ankle, I doubt anyone really notices it, let alone is bothered by it.

26-12-15, 19:08
My dad And my sister both have moles just like that on their lower leg. Never given either of them any trouble

27-12-15, 01:13
Thanks for the replies, its always reassuring hearing people who have these living fine :) Had a major panic attack last night after finding some posts from people who basically died from melanoma in these birthmarks. Convinced myself I'm dying. My mind automatically ignores all the people who are living normally with them lol. Going to the doctors tomorrow.