View Full Version : Back at A&E this morning

26-12-15, 09:09
Well, I just had to go. Although I had a decent day yesterday, from 9pm I started sweating, trembling, heart racing. I can usually shake it but not this time.

Saw a lovely doctor who explained I'd got myself in an anxiety state (felt it was a kind of loop I couldn't break)

Anyway, the upshot is I'm typing this through a haze of 5mg a Diazepam tablet. Just needed something the break the cycle.

Chilled out man, but slow and a bit groggy, but sooooo relaxed.

I'm ok otherwise.

Take care everyone

26-12-15, 10:18
Well, I just had to go. Although I had a decent day yesterday, from 9pm I started sweating, trembling, heart racing. I can usually shake it but not this time.

Saw a lovely doctor who explained I'd got myself in an anxiety state (felt it was a kind of loop I couldn't break)

Anyway, the upshot is I'm typing this through a haze of 5mg a Diazepam tablet. Just needed something the break the cycle.

Chilled out man, but slow and a bit groggy, but sooooo relaxed.

I'm ok otherwise.

Take care everyone

Should 5mg of Diazepam cause you to be groggy? I thought 5mg was the lowest dose available?

26-12-15, 11:52
According to my information sheet 2mg is the lowest dose.

I have a very sensitive stomach and I find whatever medication I take it will affect me more then a "normal" person.

26-12-15, 13:03
According to my information sheet 2mg is the lowest dose.

I have a very sensitive stomach and I find whatever medication I take it will affect me more then a "normal" person.

Does diazepam feel nice?

26-12-15, 13:22
Sorry you are having a rough time, shakey.

I sympathise as I had the same thing as you yesterday evening. I have been dreading Xmas and the next few days as I am out of my comfort zone, staying with my sister, and then tomorrow I am off to Bournemouth with my parents and sister to meet up with extended family for 3 days, and I am not looking forward at all. My anxiety peaked last night - racing heart, hyperventilation, sweating.

I can't wait for Xmas to be over, to be honest.

I hope that things settle for you soon, and just wanted you to know that you are not alone. xx:hugs:

26-12-15, 13:26
Thanks for the kind thoughts. I'm not on my own as I have friends who I can go and stay with.

However, how daft is this. All this shaking and anxiety came on very quick, then this morning, as I was typing another thread on here, it all went. Back to normal now.

Firmly believe it's all to do with what I eat. I've been eating far too much ice-cream.

It's weird, but I'm not complaining I'm better lol