View Full Version : Severe Anxiety

26-12-15, 11:44
Hi all.

Well, I have to say I'm shocked that I've come down with this. Why?

Can anyone give me an idea of how long it might last?

Let me give you a bit of background to see if it helps.

25 October I wake up with what turned out to be a flu type bug. Was quite ill with it, but I recovered in just over a week. Then, on 30 November I had a lump in my chest which turned out to be Bronchitis.

Christmas Eve I go shopping and have a panic attack in the shop, but I coped with it. Then woke up Christmas Day felt really rotten and while I had a good day, it came back with a vengeance last night and I've been trembling, sweating and my heart racing since 9pm which at the present time is over 12 hours.

I've also eaten a lot of ice-cream, and me with my stomach, I'm wondering if that's had something to do with it?

I'm also going to be left on my own for 4 days next week, when my close friend (who I live with) is off to see her family about 200 miles away. I will be able to go stay with another friend while she is away.

Been to A&E and they've given me Diazepam 5mg.

While typing this and concentrating I feel better. Crazy. Usually I can shake this off, but not this time.

Any ideas people?

Thanks in anticipation of your replies.

Best Wishes

26-12-15, 15:24
hi care to chat?

26-12-15, 15:39
Yes by all means

26-12-15, 16:47
Hi Shakey,

Poor you - I'm so sorry you're suffering. You're not alone, if it helps! I think Christmas can be such a stressful time, maybe that's something to do with how you're feeling?

I guess nobody can predict how long these episodes will last, but there are certainly lots of things you can do to help. In a fix, I find belly breathing really helpful - in for 4, out for 7, all from the diaphragm. I also really love camomile tea, works a treat. And if you can do some exercise to burn off adrenalin, that's good too.

Thinking of you and I hope you feel better soon.

26-12-15, 19:47
hi beatroom, that is helpful advice, I will try it myself.