View Full Version : How do you help yourself when dizzy, off balanced, dizzy spells

26-12-15, 18:39
Hi everyone,

as I already wrote in an old post, I have problems with really strong, everyday dizziness, off balance feeling or sometimes also with severe/short dizzy spells, that happen when I am already feeling off balance (the feeling like the floor is moving, on a boat feeling). I also feel like my legs are weak and sometimes I get a strange feeling, dizzy spell in my head that makes me feel sick.

I just got a job offer, I start at monday. Of course I am afraid if I will be able to do my job with all my symptoms. The job is working with people, all the time surrounded wirh them and very dinamic. I won't have a chance to get aome time for myself, to make a pause, whenever it will become to hard for me (dizziness, or some other symptoms). How do you cope with that? Do you have any suggestions how to help myself to able to get through this and to do my work?

Thank you so much...

27-12-15, 01:11
Hiya :)

Congratulations on getting the job.

I don't haven't any suggestions unfortunately but I was thinking that maybe you will find that you are so busy and preoccupied with the new job that you won't be affected as much by your dizzy spells. Sometimes when you have to just get on with a task you get through it ok and can surprise yourself!

You could say to your manager that sometimes you get dizzy (don't go into detail if you don't want) and need to have a moment to get back to normal.

Also, try to remain positive! I'm sure you'll be fine! :)