View Full Version : Ongoing throat issue please advise

26-12-15, 19:29
I've had a sore throat since the beginning of November. I've been to the docs who visually checked it and said that its red on my right side and ever so slightly swollen. She said it's probably just a lingering, chronic throat infection.

It feels like a slight pressure just to the right of my Adam's apple. When I swallow, sneeze or cough it's worse. Sneezing particularly will cause pain.

I was wondering if it could be my acid reflux and scarring but I doubled my medication for that which GP has told me is fine to do if needed and no improvement.

One night I went to eat dinner and I hear a click on my throat and I found t very difficult to swallow for the rest of the evening.

I can wake up and hardly feel anything, but my evening, like now, it is quite painful even without swapping etc.

I'm worried it's something more and don't know what it could be.

How long can this sort of thing last? GP declined to give me any sort of antibiotics and told me to gargle aspirin, which I admit I haven't done more than once.

Taking paracetamol last night helped though.

Any advice? I'm having horrible thoughts that it's something more sinister.

26-12-15, 19:36
You can't expect results or relief if you don't do as the doctor recommended. I would do as the doctor ordered. Also, gargling with a solution of 16oz water, 1tbsp of salt and 1 tbsp of baking soda helps for mouth and throat irritation.

Positive thoughts

26-12-15, 19:38
You're absolutely right. I have to be pro active in my approach to this but I must admit I did think the GP said it would clear by itself.

I'll start making an effort to gargle salt water etc

27-12-15, 16:54
Mate I've had a sore throat since February. It's a real pain (literally!) and have all of what you've said. Doctor is a bit concerned and if it doesn't clear up in the next few weeks, with the medicine he's given me, I'll go to specialists with it.

27-12-15, 22:59
I had this problem last November for about 6 weeks due to catching several viruses, on after the other
I went on a hunt and found out that Manuka honey is the only scientifically proven food that has pure anti-microbial properties. It's quite expensive, but what I did was take a spoonful twice a day for a week and my problems disappeared. Now, everytime I feel the onset of a cold or flu or anything alike, I'll take a spoonful and it'll improve quite significantly.

Also, don't heat it up or else the enzymes will denature and it'll be useless

Hope it helps!