View Full Version : Hi Everyone Just Registered 26/12/15

26-12-15, 21:02
Hi Everyone,

My names Bobby, I'm 33 and currently working as an Electrician.

I have varied tastes in music and quite happy to bop along to whatever is playing.

I had my first major panic attack in May '15 and its progressively been getting worse to the point where in December I'm now almost having one or more a day. I've had several ECG's and frantic runs to the hospital and been told from the Doctors that my heart is in excellent condition. Which is always a good thing to know ... I asked whether they could test my blood for high cholesterol and other things and was told to come back when I'm 35 ... which is also nice.

From about the middle of November I've been suffering from these panic attacks almost daily and its ruining my sleep as a lot of the time its during then that I get the attacks ... and maybe one or two during the day.

I'm not afraid to admit that this is getting me to the stage now where I just want to cry as I feel I'm hindering my home and work life.

I have tried Diazepam (which worked for a while and then I had a panic attack on them and haven't gone back ), I've tried Kalms ( same thing ), I was prescribed Propranolol ( the hospital urged me to stop taking these as my heart rate was quite low ... 48bpm. The hospital has requested that I see my GP and ask to be put on anti-anxiety tablets although I'm not sure what these are or anything so if anyone has any info please get in touch :).

I'm really glad you guys are here because this is so hard to explain to non sufferers and now I wont feel so alienated.

26-12-15, 21:11
Hiya Fuzzter and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

26-12-15, 21:47
Hi Bobby and :welcome:

I think a lot of us can relate to your story and we've been just where you are. I'll start by saying that it can get better so don't despair. You've also found a great community of people here who understand and that really helps.

My feeling is that you need a good talk with your GP about ways to move forward. A chat about therapy, such as CBT, is important rather than just assuming that meds are the only solution. My experience is that the key is what we do to help ourselves but we need guidance to be able to do that and therapy can really help. In the meantime, I'd recommend Claire Weekes' books - they are a little dated in style but the underlying theory is spot on. Also, keep as active as you can. It's hard but it makes a bit difference (trust me on this one and force yourself to get out and about. Honest!).

Meds can play an important role and I'm guessing the hospital docs were referring to SSRIs (antidepressants). They're usually the first meds prescribed by GPs. I've been on something similar (venlafaxine) for a few years and they've been a lifesaver. If you go down this route, my advice is to read up on the pros and cons, and to make sure you start on the lowest possible dose and work up. Symptoms usually get worse before they get better after a couple of weeks. This last point is really important as I naively allowed myself to be talked into starting on a higher dose a few years ago and it nearly tipped me over the edge.

Good luck and take care, and remember that you're not on your own.

Pip x

26-12-15, 22:25
Thanks guys im pretty new to the forum way of doing things so please bare with me .... I also forgot to mention that I had been put on Omeprazole as I mentioned to my gp about having a lack of appetite and burping alot so I think he wanted to erase the GERD route and tbh they didnt seem to help me so Ive stopped taking them ... I actually HATE taking pills, I normally 'man up' and use nothing for flu's and colds etc .... But this Im gonna need all the help I can get I think .... I also spoke to my gp about CBT and he said he wanted to erase all other routes first as CBT takes a while to setup apparently and then the sessions can take a while too ... I believe in my doctor and I truely believe he is listening to me unlike some people I hear feel as though they get fobbed off

27-12-15, 09:09
Hi Fuzzter, your story is so familiar i also was prescribed propranolol and my heart rate lowered. I have recently started to take sertraline and it is working!! I have only been taking it 4 weeks but massive improvement.. your doctor sounds great by the way.. Keep strong. x

27-12-15, 10:15
Sounds like you're having a really rough time...

28-12-15, 00:23
Sounds like you're having a really rough time...

No more then usual mate :) my whole life will be a great storey to read one day I'm sure ... maybe I'm suffering from depression but I cant tell as this is how Ive lived all my life ... its never been easy for me ... and I don't intend on going into the whole cliché 'oh woe is me' I don't do that ... my life is what it is and has been .... I make MY future