View Full Version : Just can't let it go!

27-12-15, 02:59
I'm back on meds after 4 months off. Hallelujah. HA got the worst it's been in my life. Only on day six though. . .today was one thing after another and I was riding the wave, but the thing that finally set me off was running into a distant cousin at the grocery store. I gave her a hug, as one does, and after talking for a few minutes looked down and saw white flecks on my jacket where I had hugged her. I looked at her more closely and noticed it was all over her, too. Trying to make light of it (but wanting to know what the heck it was) I asked something like, "What'd you do to yourself there?" while winking and trying to brush it off myself. She replied that she didn't know and started brushing herself off, too, but then commented, "Probably from the dog."

Now, it would have been bad enough feeling 'contaminated'. But I have a real aversion to animals because I'm terrified of ticks, parasites, etc. Her dad is a vet (barn animals) so thankfully he didn't have me hug him as he "smelled like the barn." He had all sorts of stuff on his jacket and I might be checking myself into the looney bin right now if I had hugged him.

My mind is racing and right now fixated on perhaps her having treated the dog with flea powder which is super toxic and I then would have gotten on my bare skin! I just want some peace. I haven't had a full day of peace in months.

27-12-15, 03:02
I think they would have told you if it was anything dangerous :)

27-12-15, 03:39
She had no idea what it was though, and she's 14 or so.

27-12-15, 05:50
Dandruff? :blush:

Flea powder is pretty fine. I think she would be avoiding getting it all over herself it they have flea'd the dog as they want it to stay on him/her. Flea powder won't be "super toxic" as it has be on the coat of the pet and can mean touching their skin as well as the owners or other people who may touch the pet. We apply a liquid version to our dog which is added to the fur on the back of his neck. This is for worms & fleas and if you forget and stroke the area you just was your hands since you don't want to treat yourself if you got your hand in your mouth for some reason!

Could she just be blaming the dog because she either doesn't know or out of embarrassment for her own hygiene or lack of cleaning some other substance off?

27-12-15, 06:31
Probably a bit of dandruff

28-12-15, 16:44
I tend to agree with Terry & Poppy - your cousin & her father do not seem especially bothered about grooming & appearances!
Flea powders are rather old fashioned & not very popular these days. Vets use the back of the neck solutions (as described by Terry) & recommend such products to their customers. I cannot envisage someone from a vetinary background using flea powder - its from another era.