View Full Version : Those on anti anxiety meds, how do they help?

27-12-15, 08:42
I see a psychologist for other mental health issues, though I have spoken to him about my HA before. I'm considering starting medication because my HA is seriously getting out of hand. I'm thinking of asking him for medication, and I know only psychiatrists can prescribe meds but he has a GP that could do it for me.

So, how has medication helped your HA? It sounds weird to me how you can just take medication and your anxiety goes away or is reduced. What type do you take? Would you recommend I try them? (I'm 17 if that matters) Looking forward to hearing some experiences :)

27-12-15, 16:51
I see a psychologist for other mental health issues, though I have spoken to him about my HA before. I'm considering starting medication because my HA is seriously getting out of hand. I'm thinking of asking him for medication, and I know only psychiatrists can prescribe meds but he has a GP that could do it for me.

So, how has medication helped your HA? It sounds weird to me how you can just take medication and your anxiety goes away or is reduced. What type do you take? Would you recommend I try them? (I'm 17 if that matters) Looking forward to hearing some experiences :)

I had anxiety for a long time, always rooted in health anxiety. For as long as I can remember really, particularly at your age (I'm 23 now). A couple of months ago I went onto medication because I was pretty much at breaking point - I was struggling to be functional, actually - and I had gone through big changes and decided it was time I got it under control.

What can I say? They helped. I don't really know how. In part, they made me more care free and relaxed, which is obvious. This made me much less uptight and worrying about everything, which I suppose had a knock on effect to other parts of my life also. I'm also way more social, which is nice even though I never had a problem with that in the first place.

Eventually, I stopped worrying so much about my health. I'd go a day or something without even thinking about it. That's where I'm at now and I'm definitely feeling better overall.

I take citalopram. Be wary that it's not quite so simple... some have really horrid side effects - I tried one before that made me feel terrible. I got really lucky that citalopram has given me almost no side effects and none particularly negative: I am quite fatigued, and reduced libido, but these are not too worrying for me as they don't stop me doing anything. Many people have to try a few before they hit the right one.

Would I recommend them? Well, it depends on the person. It took me a long time to feel like I needed them. I genuinely think I was heading for a breakdown or depression without intervention and I'm so glad I got them in the end... everyone has noticed a positive difference in me. Personally, I believe they are there to break a cycle; once out of the cycle, you can start dealing with the root cause (my plan for the new year!).

Merry Christmas.

27-12-15, 18:06
i took some too, for sleep issues just after my anxiety was diagnosed properly.doc prescribed them for 3 months but i don't take them anymore since getting my sleep back.i do worry about one thing or another, everyday, but it has toned down a bit. when i have a panic attack, which is rarely now, i take one and try to go about my life.you have to believe you are strong enough to get beyond the rough patch and in some cases it's best to do that with meds.i remember the exact moment i decided i've had enough (crying in the floor and the baby crying on me) and looking back, it was the best decision at the time.no more sleepless nights or panic attacks or random shaking or heart related issues.now it's just my antidepressants and the occasional crying "roundabout" about losing my sane mind. work is fine, family is fine, baby is fine, i worry, yes but i'm functional.meds work if you believe in them and , most importantly, in yourself.good luck

27-12-15, 19:22
I was prescribed lexapro (escitalopram) mainly for depression but it has helped my HA immensely. Nice bonus there.

27-12-15, 21:17
I take zoloft which is better than prozac on anxiety, doc said.not sure if increasing the dose in a short period of time is good.ask your doc and then maybe get a second opinion

28-12-15, 04:32
Thanks for the replies. I'm looking forward to trying it if it seems to actually help. It sounds bizarre to me but definitely worth a try :) I'm so convinced I have like stage IV cancer lol it's terrible.

01-01-16, 22:20
When I was diagnosed first, I was in a pretty bad state. I started with 1mg xanax and 20 mg escitalopram.

I still think Xanax saved me the first months and later escitalopram took care. In my case without them I don't know what would have happened...

01-01-16, 22:58
I had Buspirone,

It didn't seem to do much but the panic and anxiety/ depression all disappeared. No side effects really...