View Full Version : Blood in vomit

27-12-15, 10:00
28 weeks pregnant last night I had such horrific heartburn I vomited about 1am. Their was one streak of blood right blood in it. What do I do?

27-12-15, 10:08
It is normal for a person to vomit some blood during pregnancy. Streaks of blood is very normal due to the lining of the esophagus being irritated. But if you vomit chunks of blood you need to contact a emergency personal immediately.

Taken from babycenter.

My little boy once vomited blood, I rushed him to hospital terrified he had swallowed something, was told it was very common.

27-12-15, 10:11
Thanks, I'll phone 111 or maternity ward and ask later when I get home. I'm in no pain except slight sore throat etc but very worried. The burning in my throat before hand was gone as soon as I vomitited.

27-12-15, 10:17
The burning was probably acid which has irritated your throat. Have you got some gaviscon to help you with your heartburn?

27-12-15, 10:28
I haven't but will get sone today. Is it safe in pregnancy or shall I ask a phamarcust what to take?

27-12-15, 10:31
I use gaviscon and bottle states safe in pregnancy and breast feeding, I swallowed bottles of it when pregnant. Try drinking milk to soothe your throat.
I tried the cheaper versions but felt they weren't as good as gaviscon.
As soon as I'd given birth, the heartburn vanished!

27-12-15, 16:00
Thank you.
I phoned hospital who said if it happens again phone them back and to see my gp on Tuesday as they may give me something better than gaviscon they said especially if it's bad enough it's making me vomit and vomit up blood.
I saw some today in the shops. Also saw some cheaper boots version but will see what doctor says on Tuesday x

27-12-15, 16:04
Milk worked for me too, it gave me some relief when pregnant.
Good luck with the rest of pregnancy xxx

30-12-15, 20:33
Tracey just thought I would say I got prescribed a massive bottle of gaviscon. seems to be working at the moment. Hope your doing ok :)

31-12-15, 07:49
I'm doing fine hun, really pleased it's working for you, heartburn can be so uncomfortable and when you've got anxiety too, we can make those feelings into so much more than just heartburn.
I remember swallowing bottles of the stuff, my son is a healthy 8 year old so definitely safe for baby.
Hope the rest of pregnancy is trouble free, mine disappeared as soon as my son was born, felt so weird as I'd suffered from it for months.

31-12-15, 14:29
I hope it goes ok as well. Been pretty rough so far.
Yes it does say safe for baby on bottle x :)