View Full Version : Weirdest thing happened to me when sleeping

27-12-15, 12:20
Hi guys,

Around 5am I woke up and tried getting back to sleep. After about 10 minutes I started drifting to sleep, however, when I tried to wake up I couldn't. For about two seconds my body felt all tingly and I swear I couldn't open my eyes or move in that short time. I finally moved my leg and the tingly stopped and I was back to normal.

I thought maybe sleep paralysis? I've never experienced that before. But I've been on antibiotics all last week and maybe it's some sort of side effect to that?

I tried to fall back to sleep after the situation. This time when I tried to wake up right before I opened my eyes (I don't know if it's all in my head) my tongue felt tingly. But as soon as I fully woke up it went back to normal.

I have brain tumour anxiety and now I'm all worried that these are symptoms from that. Or that my body is slowly shutting down. :(

27-12-15, 13:51
I have this quite often, when I'm half asleep I'll dream I'm in bed but I know I'm asleep. When I try and wake up it's like I'm fighting against something, and sometimes i try and say something but I can't.

Im not 100% sure if it's sleep paralysis but I do know that it is common.

27-12-15, 15:45
Hello Randara,

Thank you for replying. It's such a scary feeling isn't it?
I finally got back to sleep and I didn't get it again (knock on wood).
I feel like it's still apart of sleep paralysis. It's really scary to think about, and it makes you wonder how it's even possible?! Lol.