View Full Version : Complete freak out-period gush

27-12-15, 19:26
So sorry for the TMI but nit sure what else to do. 37 years old and periods very regular. Started Christmas Day and by today there was virtually nothing. I went for a pee and wiped and there was nothing. I stood up and felt a gush and all of a sudden it was everywhere. I've no idea where it came from. It was all dark and bits in it and wouldn't stop. It seemed to flow out for forever which was really only about a minute. Has this happened anyone before??

27-12-15, 20:45
This has happened to me about every third period since my late 30s. It is very alarming but apparently fairly common. Several of my friends also have it. Just the body's way of having a good clear out. I did mention it to my doc on one of my many visits but she seemed totally unconcerned. I am nearly 51 and it still happens but more often now as approaching menopause. Try not to worry, you'll be fine xx

27-12-15, 21:26
Are you anxious besides this happening? Last July I had a full months bleed in 1 day and I'm usually very heavy so you can imagine what it was like... When this happened I'd had 3 panick attacks previous to the bleeding over somthing unrelated and doctors said it was my body's way of dealing with the amount of stress I'd put it under the day leading up to it it just expelled the entire lining in a matter of hrs very scary but nothing to worry about xx

28-12-15, 12:47
Thanks for the replies!after I sorted myself out last night, there was nothing else. Nothing at all and all day today there has been nothing (it's nearly 5pm here now) but about half hour ago, I went to toilet and again there was "period" on the paper. It wasn't normal blood, def period blood. I'm so scared as to why it is happening and why it hasn't stopped since Friday when two days is normal for me.

28-12-15, 13:45
Your uterus may just be having a "clean out" Hun I have irregular bleeding all the time have done since I was 14 and I'm now 33 I can go years without it and them been like clockwork then one month it will go pare shape and il come off then come back on, I have imbalanced hormones that's what they put mine down too, nip to your GP and mention it even if it's just for peace of mind! usually if the bleeding is around the time of your period or slightly after then it's just your body's way of having a clear out, Iv been thru hell and back with my periods/ bleeding/ and severe pain it's horrible and scary but usually it's nothing to worry about specially as your it's around your due on time xx