View Full Version : Seriously anxious and cannot shake it off today

27-12-15, 20:40
In Feb I found a patch of redness on my breast and after googling it, immediatly diagnosed myself with IBC (a rare form of breast cancer which is VERY aggressive and rare)
3 Doctors, 2 nurses and a breast specialist have said it is just a skin thing, but after 10 months it is still there!!! I have had 2 types of creams for it and it has not gone! WHY!?!?! Basically, my old friend anxiety about this has reared its ugly head again and I can feel myself spiralling down and down (checking my breast 100 of times, googling, researching, feeling sick and shaking, wanting to cry... you know how it is) and I can not get out of this funk... I just think I am going to be dead within a year, and I can not cope with it.
I can't speak to partner about it as she gets so annoyed with me. My parents must be fed up of having me ask them to look but do so anyway. My sister had a look and she will get annoyed, as will my aunt... I have to point out where I want them to look as apparently it is not obvious to them even though it is glaringly obvious to me... Is that normal?

Please help :weep:

27-12-15, 21:29
You got 3 out of 3 , those are the best news don't you think??? I can relate to this, i wake up everyday thinking docs are lying to me about my memory and attention issues, i say it's dementia and they say anxiety, who is more likely to be right?? ��
Anxiety causes sooooo many problems including skin rashes, i should know i have a reccuring eczema, all thanks to our mutual friend!! comes and goes and i realise i have bigger issues to fight than this.so try to relax, keep using cream and find a way to get through this