View Full Version : Just an update

27-12-15, 21:43
Hi guys,

I've not been on here too much lately. Hope you're all doing as well as can be. Thought I'd pop on with an update, and just a general moan lol.
Well, I thought I was on the mend a bit. I had an internal, told I had a fibroid and ectropion. I think I may have mentioned that. Anyway, a few weeks ago I woke up with the most horrific back pain. I thought I must have pulled it. Anyway, I was crying with the pain; I could hardly move. Went to the docs who gave me naproxen & codeine and put another referral in to the gynacologist. Back pain didn't go, and the painkillers didn't ease it so the other day I took myself back to the docs. The pain is where my kidneys are. Urine had sugar in, so she took some bloods and I have to call up on Tuesday. Also on antibiotics. I'm terrified I have something wrong with my kidneys. Sorry, I'm just moaning, I don't expect any reassurance lol, just wanted to let off some steam

Forgot to add I've been getting really breathless lately and last night had awful mini adrenaline rushes. Horrid horrid horrid

29-12-15, 23:19
Update again. White blood cells in urine but no infection. My urine is FULL of white bits every time I go to the toilet. (Sugar ok and kidney function test ok). I did something silly. I consulted Dr Google. I don't like his diagnosis. Doc referring me for an ultrasound. I'm really, really frightened and snapping at Mr Pepperpot who just does not understand, and is being quite nasty.

29-12-15, 23:39
What does google say it is?

29-12-15, 23:57
Hi Pepperpot. :)

The main thing is the 'Tests' were ok.
I have had white bits in my urine as well, haven't a clue why, but I'm still alive! :)

Make sure you drink plenty of water; I know you have in the past, but just to remind you. :hugs:

30-12-15, 00:13
Google says it is one of the signs of bladder or kidney cancer. And some other things. If it had of had infection then it would have been a simple UTI.

I drank loads of water and still had floaters. Loads of them.

30-12-15, 00:24
Pepperpot; Dr Google will say you will have all sorts of terrible diseases.
Try not to think the worst Pepperpot.

I know it's not easy, but honestly, I have had floaters on and off for nearly 2 years. I also had a bout of lower back pain which was so bad I could hardly walk, lay or sit.
I know you are waiting for the results, but it will probably turn out to be an infection.
Keep your Mind busy in the meantime.
I had a recent scare with mouth cancer, so I know how you must be feeling, but please stay positive. :hugs:

30-12-15, 00:58
Carnation the results say there is no infection there. Nothing. Just white blood cells. :(

30-12-15, 01:07
Hi Pepperpot,

Did you find kidney stones as a possible with this? White cells in urine and a lot of pain is certainly part of them.

30-12-15, 01:28
Hi terry,

It did cross my mind yes, but I was thinking the worst I'll admit :(

30-12-15, 04:26
Well my GF has had kidney stones and I've known others too and they describe it as unbearable pain that doubles them up. One guy I knew had it come on when he was driving up the M6 and nearly crashed into a lorry because it doubled him up.

Kidney stones are pretty common so this sounds possible. My GF had sugar in her urine too. Her GP sent her for an ultrasound and that's where it came out.

I've only grasped at this one, there could be other things of similar level NOT cancers, but I think you need to consider the more minor & common as it's only the HA that is jumping at something worse. Everything that is being done is standard and also done for kidney stones by the sound of it so I think it's likely.

Make sure you drink plenty of water. Drinking water below a certain amount a day is said to make them worse. Maybe this will provide a clue?

AND don't think ALL tumours/cancers are always bad. My GF had several scans and it turned out in the end that she also had a tumour. She doesn't have anxiety but this scared her but the specialist told her she was born with it. Bare in mind she 39 at this point, so obviously it was nothing bad like we normally associate tumours to be. He said it was more common than we probably think and they would dismiss them unless they caused any pain/complications because he said people can go their entire lives without ever realising they are there. Hers only became a problem because it started growing, which they said can happen, but it twisted around one of her ovaries hence the pain it brought. A quick keyhole to remove it and it's all done & dusted.

So, remember when it comes to these things you need a specialist view because those scary words don't always mean what we think because we don't know everything that exists, unlike a specialist.


02-01-16, 22:43
Hey, thanks for your replies. I got a letter which said I have to ring up to book an appointment, so will get onto this on Monday.
I am taking trimethroprim, but I dunno why as I have no infection. I forgot to ask the doc if I should carry on taking it when she rang to tel me there was no infection, so Im just taking it lol.
The pain in my kidney area has now spread (as well as being in that place too) - it's round the front to the side too (like where your love handles are hahahaha). This pain is making me worry there's allsorts of things wrong with me :(
By the way, I appreciate all your replies - I know yous aren't doctors, but it makes me feel better to just write how I feel somewhere.

I am very breathless tonight - I get breathless quite a bit aand I am trying to work out if it is anxiety or not - I think it could be as tonight my son who is 10 wiped and was bleeding :( I rang NHS 111 and the nurse said not to worry urgently, but I am still waiting for a doctor to call. Last time I had to ring NHS 111 for him it ended up in him collapsing, so as you can imagine it is bringing back shitty memories.x

03-01-16, 09:00
Could it possibly be renal colic? It sounds so painful and I do hope that things have improved from last night and that your son is OK? Whatever the diagnosis you obviously need to get seen and assessed asap and thank goodness the NHS should be back to normal service tomorrow.

03-01-16, 11:36
Oh I dunno - I have never heard of that one before.
The doc rang bout my son and said to go to the docs on Monday with him. He seems ok.


04-01-16, 07:59
the NHS should be back to normal service tomorrow.

But should we be thankful or more worried? :winks::D

---------- Post added at 07:59 ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 ----------

Glad your son seems ok, Pepperpot.

Please try not to worry about pain spreading, if your GP saw any red flags they wouldn't waste time as they can send people up and ring ahead if they think urgent care (not emergency) is needed.

My GF had that pain spreading issue with hers so it could still be something like that.

Kidney stones are supposed to be more painful than childbirth so you will have a good understanding of the comparison. (being a man, I couldn't take such pain either way :winks:)