View Full Version : Obsessing over melanoma worries

28-12-15, 04:49
Hello all. Over the past week, I've been really obsessed with my skin after noticing various marks on my body. I feel like this fear has just taken over my entire life :unsure: I just noticed a mole on the sole of my foot. I know it's been there for months, but because of this newfound worrying over moles and melanoma, I zoomed in a lot on it, and saw tiny black dots. The mole itself is light brown/tan (like a typical mole) and about the size of a tip of a needle, very small. The dots are even smaller. I have no idea if I should get this checked out, or if my fear is making this into something it's not. If anyone has any tips or advice, or just general words of comfort, I'd greatly appreciate it.

28-12-15, 09:59
I too have this obsession :( it literally takes over my life I had a sun spot come up last years and it grew fairly quick I was totally convinced I was dying I made my self phisically I'll because of it now Iv reassured my self it's not Iv found another mole that has probably been there years but I just have never taken notice to it before to panic over and let it consume me :( I'm so fed up of doing this to my self.... But as for abit of reasurance if it's been there months and is small I really wouldn't worry too much the doc told me these type of cancers are very aggressive and constantly evolve so would grow fast, best way to help with it is cover it up I had to do this with my sun spot I would literally wake up wash my face then cover it with concealer do I wasn't constantly obsessing n checking it.... Believe me I had over 600 photos of it on my phone at one point measuring size etc that just stems the problem! I'm trying to do this at the moment t with my new little issue Iv discovered... Bloody health anxiety is no fun, xx

28-12-15, 17:47
I too have this obsession :( it literally takes over my life I had a sun spot come up last years and it grew fairly quick I was totally convinced I was dying I made my self phisically I'll because of it now Iv reassured my self it's not Iv found another mole that has probably been there years but I just have never taken notice to it before to panic over and let it consume me :( I'm so fed up of doing this to my self.... But as for abit of reasurance if it's been there months and is small I really wouldn't worry too much the doc told me these type of cancers are very aggressive and constantly evolve so would grow fast, best way to help with it is cover it up I had to do this with my sun spot I would literally wake up wash my face then cover it with concealer do I wasn't constantly obsessing n checking it.... Believe me I had over 600 photos of it on my phone at one point measuring size etc that just stems the problem! I'm trying to do this at the moment t with my new little issue Iv discovered... Bloody health anxiety is no fun, xx

The fact that it's small is the only thing that's reassuring me. It's hard not to obsess over it. I feel like if I wasn't taking pictures and zooming in all the time, I would've never noticed those microscopically small black dots. Health anxiety is definitely no fun, I agree. It's exhausting.