View Full Version : Need some reassurance and sense knocked into me...

28-12-15, 08:22
Sorry for constant posts.. I just can't get my mind off this and this is the only place I can talk about it without being laughed at.

So, I have a big mole/birthmark on my lower ankle. I haven't had it checked for years but I found stories online about people who have the same mark, and theirs became stage 4 before even showing any signs of melanoma (changing etc)..Not only 1 but about 3-4 stories and they're the only ones I found with the same birthmark as me.. (small-medium congenital nevi) Now I'm terrified and I feel my birthmark aching which is probably in my head but it's terrifying. It has one lump on it which appeared about 3 years ago and now I'm paranoid that that lump was melanoma and now its spread all over my body and I don't even know it. Docs here are closed till after new years and only accept emergencies (obviously this isn't considered one). Can't keep my anxiety down.. It's too big for removal and I'll need a surgery. I just want to go to the doc and get a biopsy, then hopefully prepare a surgery.. I don't want to have to worry about this birthmark for my entire life.

I had it checked by a cancer specialist over 3 years ago and he said it's fine and just 'watch for changes' and that the lump was 'because of puberty' (i'm 17 now, was 14 then). I haven't had it checked since then.. He didn't even do a biopsy.

Picture of the mole if anyone has or knows anyone with similar birthmarks. Would be reassuring hearing someone who has one and isn't dying of melanoma :) (literally all i could find online)