View Full Version : I'm going crazy - mid-cycle bleeding.

28-12-15, 10:13
Hi everyone,

I feel like I'm going crazy. I had to get this emotion and fear out somewhere, before I really do lose my mind.

My health anxiety is at an all time high, and I feel like I've lost all sense of perspective.

On Christmas Eve, I noticed blood when I went to the toilet. This is the second time this has happened to me mid-cycle (it happened last 'month').

When I saw the blood, I panicked. I haven't stopped panicking since.

When it happened the first time round a couple of months ago (I have irregular cycles), it brought on a terrible wave of health anxiety. I had extensive blood tests, a smear (came back clear), three internal exams (all fine), a stomach ultrasound (all fine), a chest x-ray and an ECT. Everything came back clear, except for my thyroid which was flagged as 'borderline' (it has been for some time).

Common sense tells me that as I've been having hot flashes too, this is likely to be a hormonal issue (especially as I have/had PCOS, but since my daughter was born four years ago I haven't really experienced symptoms like I used to). Or...it could be that my thyroid is starting to become less efficient. (Or it's ovulation bleeding).

But I'm absolutely TERRIFIED it's something more sinister. I can't think straight. I can't eat. I feel like I can't even speak.

I'm really, really hoping someone can give me some words of comfort. I'm seeing my GP tomorrow, but until then I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through this day in one piece :( :(

Thank you SO much in advance to anyone who replies...I'm so scared x