View Full Version : needs urgent reassurance.

Sam Winter
28-12-15, 16:11
so i decided to stretch and suddenly the right side of my neck made a weird popping/clicking like sound and now from my shoulder/chest is hurting all up the right side to the top of my neck when i move it and I'm afraid I've broke it because its really painful, I'm currently sat here with a wheat bag on it afraid to move,please tell me what i should do :(

28-12-15, 16:17
You have probably just moved your body in an unusual way and its a muscle strain.
Sometimes when I have stretched my neck there's been a "crack". Its tension - I think a bubble of air bursts in between the bones.(no harm done).
Take a pain killer - ormaybe a warm bath/shower would help.

Sam Winter
28-12-15, 16:21
thanks I just went into instant panic mode because it became so painful I was on the verge of tears and I know I couldn't ask my mum about it because she'd say you can't break a bone by stretching lol

28-12-15, 16:35
Sounds like uve pulled a muscle