View Full Version : Blood after bowel movement

28-12-15, 16:50
Hello all,

First off I do have pretty considerable health anxiety and so anytime something is amiss, I latch on and obsess over it.

Yesterday evening, after a bowel movement (I did strain a bit) there was bright red blood on the toilet paper. It happened again this morning after a less strenuous movement. I am on my period so I am already feeling bloated and crampy and I usually do experience some constipation at this time of the month as well.

I was told after having my last child (14 months ago) that I did have hemorrhoids, I do not know how many or their location (internal/external). Though I do suspect at least one external that I can feel from time to time. After the birth, I had some blood after a bowel movement but expected it as I get very constipated after all my children's births and know there is some perineum tearing, so I did not think too much on it.

In any case, I am completely freaked out and obsessing over this new development. My father recently had some polyps removed so I am worried about the same, and of course, freaking out over the idea of it being colon cancer.

Both my mother and my husband have piles and have assured me that they both have experienced this exact same thing and that it will clear up on its own. However, I am having trouble taking their word for it (as other who suffer from health anxiety can relate, I am sure). I have an appointment with my family doctor this afternoon but had hoped for some additional insight from others who have experienced this.

Like I said, bright red blood, no pain per se, kind of an itchy feeling, maybe a bit sore...

Thank you!

28-12-15, 18:02
I have had this also... My girlfriend has worked in a doctors and now works in a vets and because I was so anxious about it I made her look at the tissue with my poo on it!!!

She assured me that bright red is not a bad sign at all, its usually only when the poo is a really deep dark red (almost balck) that maybe you should get it checked out...

Even then, I have read somewhere that to be able to tell that there is something seriously wrong with you by the colour of your poo, or if there is any blood in it is highly unlikely!

28-12-15, 20:11
You've got a lot of classic pile flags in your thread. Any level of straining down below and they develop. I used to lift weights a lot and they are common in lifters even though there may be no constipation and given the many effects of childbirth including the pushing, it's very common there too.

Blood on the paper is a classic sign. Straining. Itchiness since wounds itch when healing. Soreness for the same reasons. Mucus is one I've had plenty of too.

29-12-15, 00:26
So I just saw my doctor. She did not see anything obvious on physical examination so is referring me to a GI specialist. I am now out of my mind with worry despite the fact she said she is just being cautious and it is very unlikely anything else is wrong other than a hemorrhoid.