View Full Version : Dentist Tomorrow

28-12-15, 20:05
So Tomorrow I got a dentist appointment and will have to face my biggest phobia and the reason it's phobia is because it's a new experiance I guess

To be honest I'm terrified how I will react and if I will panic etc

I'm having my first lower right Molar extracted so I will have a nerve block and have heard that it can or will make your tongue numb and I'm terrified of having that feeling

Not sure how to relax or how to get it done if I do panic

28-12-15, 20:30
why does a numb tongue bother you?

28-12-15, 20:38
I found earphones and a playlist help.

Also if you practice deep breathing it can really help you relax.

Dentists are used to people being nervous so don't worry about that.

28-12-15, 20:59
why does a numb tongue bother you?

Not sure maybe because it's a new experiance or fear of how it will feel or will I choke can I swollow etc, But in all honestly that's a very good question as I truly don't know lol

I used have panic attacks in dentist as a kid so as adult I never went until 2 weeks ago which I had a top front extraction which wasn't as bad as I thought I didn't even panic lol? But I also recently had anxiety attack when I nearly passed out at hospital when they took blood recently so I guess what I'm scared of is how I will react and would it set of a major panic attack

Would I go home numb for 2 hours in mental torment wishing it would go away but it won't as it be there a few hours also is a worry in back of my head

28-12-15, 21:07
The fear is usually far worse than the experience. It will take a while to wear off, don't drink hot drinks as you may burn your mouth or spill it.
Just remember, it will wear off, keep telling yourself that if you start to panic, make arrangements to be with someone if you're worried.
You won't choke, if it was that dangerous, dentists would have to keep you under supervision.
If you have an anxiety attack, so what, dentists are experienced in dealing with that, you won't be the first person who has had a fear, my dentist operates a system of putting your hand up if you need him to stop.
Good luck, it'll be fine, just think if how many fears you're conquering.