View Full Version : Weird leg pain out of nowhere

29-12-15, 02:06
Health anxiety never gives me a break. It's always something. And what's funny is, one symptom stops and another begins. All day yesterday I had jaw pain and migraine. Then at night I suddenly had a weird pain in both legs. I say weird because it's impossible to describe. It feels like tired weak heavy legs. I woke up with it and my lower legs and shins feel weird. It's not really pain. And I can walk and run and it feels a thousand times worse when I am stationary, oddly enough. I can also feel it in the back of my calves like a weird strained feeling. Like I said, no actual "pain." It's almost a numb feeling.

I spent the past two days mostly reading in bed with one leg up and the other crossed over the top of it while being anxious about my breathing, my jaw, migraine. Now all those things are fine, and it's the legs. I don't know if my sitting position caused it? And it's worrying me that it's not going away. As I type this I can feel it all up the back of my leg and inner thighs, even the top of my feet! I'm fixated on it as well. It feels like an urge to continuously stretch my legs. Never had anything like it before. It's a bit like growing pains except I'm 28!

Does anyone know this feeling or have any advice for me, thanks for reading :)

10-02-16, 21:14
Didbu find out what this was experiencing the same

10-02-16, 21:26
my legs ache for days from time to time, my partner says its when ive been worrying I become kinda lazy sitting hunched up pn sofa feeling sorry for myself so my muscles get tight from lack of use! after a couple of days pottering about and keeping busy im back to normal! I keep saying its restless leg syndrome because when im not anxious I never sit down, im always doing something haha

11-02-16, 00:53
Legs are a funny thing. They hurt sometimes it seems for no reason but if you think back over a few days as what you have been doing that you don't usually you will find pretty quickly usually that you have done something different to make them hurt.

I feel for you about the anxiety symptoms , one after others. This week so far, throat cancer, mouth cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, torsion testicle, cianosis "blue finger tips ,toes and lips, going blind, heart attack, trying to think..there was a few more if not a lot more just only this week..It is terrible to worry just so sad and such a waste of time and effort.. Hope things start getting better for you and all of us. Take care and feel better.