View Full Version : Convinced I have bone cancer

29-12-15, 02:53
Hi, I've browsed the boards a lot but this is my first time posting. Hoping for a little reassurance.

After several years of severe anxiety and panic attacks with health anxiety being a big issue, I've been doing pretty well for around the last year.

About 2 months ago I was lying in bed when I got a sudden, intense pain in my left thigh, a little above my knee. It felt like a deep pain. It came in bursts for maybe an hour after. I started to freak out, mind screaming "bone cancer!" I decided to google the symptoms of bone cancer (I know, I know) because I figured there'd be all kinds of horrible things that I wouldn't have. Wrong. Turns out where my pain is can be a place bone cancer starts, and pain at night an early symptom. I cried for most of the night.

Somehow I was able to put it out of my mind and carry on mostly as normal. Until tonight, when the pain started again, exact same place. I've been trying desperately to find a less sinister explanation but I'm turning up nothing. Every time in the past if I've tagged "anxiety" onto a symptom search I'll get lots of others with the same problem and reassurance that it's nothing to worry about.

I am so, so scared right now. It's at the level where I sort of want to go to the doctor for reassurance but am so convinced it's cancer and terrified of what she'll say that I don't know if I can do it. I'm really upset and freaking out.

29-12-15, 10:27
Go to the doctors. It'll put your mind at ease. :)

29-12-15, 13:33
Good advice from Urusainaa. I have had similar to you Strange. I went to see GP, had blood tests that included for bones. the tests came back normal.
Not every pain means you have cancer. x