View Full Version : Been awhile, but the fear is back and strong

29-12-15, 05:25
Haven't had to post in awhile. Been doing okay relative to before. Initially I was on this forum all hours of the day. Past month or so I had just been giving it a glance when I felt worried. But now, after thinking I'd calmed down, the great big melanoma fear is swallowing me whole again.

I was just examining my body for a quick check, and decided to examine my male parts. My face probably turned pale when I saw the 8 or 9 moles down there. I swear I've seen at least some of them before, but I've honestly never given it a good look. It's never come to my attention. I'm honestly pretty worried. This is one of my major fears, and after I felt like I had beaten it for awhile, it's now consuming my day. I'm just trying not to panic right now. I can already tell I'm going to have it tough trying to get to sleep tonight.

Back a few months ago, I'd had a mole removed from my thigh that was giving my panic attacks. It was a pretty dark mole, but the call was benign. Since spotting that one, I've been on high alert and its honestly exhausting. I feel so unlucky to have this particular fear and also have more than a few moles.

29-12-15, 08:08
Isn't it very unlikely to get melanoma down there as it isn't exposed to the sun? Have you been more stressed in other areas that's making you freak about a health issue? I always worry about breast cancer when I get anxiety and stress - well I used to but now know its triggered by holidays, Christmas, meals out or other stressful events. My mum had a melanoma removed from her back 7 years ago, it was massive as she couldn't see it, it was bleeding too, but she is fine.