View Full Version : What do you think?

29-12-15, 11:27
I'm due to fly to Ireland for a friends wedding on news years eve tomorrow. Do you think I should face my fear and go and deal with my symptoms on my return? I know more is wrong with me then just anxiety and I'm in denial about it but do you think il get worse?

29-12-15, 11:33
Katy hun, judging by the tone of your recent posts the distraction will be good for you.

I don't mean to be harsh so please don't think I am but the number of people who post on here that there must be something "seriously wrong" and "it can't be anxiety" are far too many to mention.

Go to your wedding, distract yourself and drink plenty of water to help your constipation.

eternally optimistic
29-12-15, 11:39

I haven't read any of your other posts but, if you feel you can go, then go you should.

I have spent half my life avoiding stuff so, yes go and deal with what happens after.

This might be wreck less advice no knowing your situation but, don't have regrets.

Best wishes.

29-12-15, 11:42
Sorry Katy just looked back through some of your previous posts, think this one is from 2006
Im worried my symptoms arent Anxiety based
i post so many times on this site and im TRUELY SORRY if im anooying anyone but i love everyones reasurrance.

i read alot of peoples posts about a lump in there throat and im yet to experience that, this makes me think im not suffering from anxiety,

Nothing came of the brain tumours fears you had back then so honestly this latest problem could being made worse due to anxiety.

29-12-15, 11:49
Yea it all could be made worse but my mum had ovarian cancer so obviously I'm gonna suspect I have it. Shame I have to go through this but we all know our own bodies x

29-12-15, 12:22
Is ovarian cancer hereditary?

29-12-15, 12:28
I don't know?